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  • KVM Verlag
Helga Schörgendorfer

Happy Hands

Your Health lies in your Hands

1st Edition 2020
Hardcover, 21 x 14,8 cm, inkl. Massageringe & Übungsvideos, 72 pages, 40 illus
Language: German
Categories: Guide Health & Medical Science, Acupuncture/Naturopathic Treatment

Stock No.: 30275
ISBN 978-3-86867-528-3
KVM Verlag

12,80 €

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Acupressure with massage rings is a healing method in which the energy flow in the body is activated with the help of pressure on defined parts of the body, especially the hands and feet, to provide pain relief and promote health. In this process, the massage rings act as a reinforcement for the healing powers of touching with the hands. From a multitude of possibilities, the author has selected 13 acupressure points, which, according to her testing and many years of experience, have great potential for maintaining health. This treatment can easily be integrated into everyday life. The acupressure instructions are supplemented and rounded off by meditation exercises, the main focus of which is on hand gestures for beneficial energy control. This self-treatment guide describes the applications as briefly and clearly as possible. It also introduces a special form of acupresure and provides the visual experience of the practical exercises via videos. Acupressure tools in the form of two massage rings are also included with the book.


Helga Schörgendorfer

Austria, Grieskirchen

Helga Schörgendorfer lebt und arbeitet in Grieskirchen, Oberösterreich. Sie ist diplomierte Yogalehrerin und Aerobictrainerin, ausgebildet in Traditioneller Chinesischer Heilkunst, Qigong und Yogatherapie. Ihre Lebens- und Arbeitseinstellung – sich und ihr Wissen ständig zu erweitern, fortwährend dazuzulernen und das Erfahrene weiterzugeben – praktiziert sie neben ihrer Lehr- und Vortragstätigkeit in ihren beiden Yoga-Bewegungsstudios „YOGO“. Ihre Kursangebote umfassen Yoga, Qigong, Akupressur, Meditation, Workouts, verschiedene Therapieformen und Fortbildungen sowie Methoden zur Gesundheitsförderung.

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