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  • KVM Verlag
Wolfgang Kohlbach

Laboratory procedures for an implant-supported restoration for a patient with extensive pre-treatment

39 Minuten

Rubrik(en): Zahntechnik
Sprache(n): Englisch, Deutsch
Publikationsjahr: 2010
Video-Quelle: Dental Video Journal
Reihe: Dental Video Journal


  • Master cast
  • Electroplated copings
  • Bridge framework
  • Ceramic veneer

List of materials
Master cast:
Die material: AlphaDie MF, Schütz Dental
Impressions/die separator: AlphaDie MF Separator, Schütz Dental
Extra, Schütz Dental
Pins: Brass pins with yellow plastic sleeves, Dentalbedarf HM
Duplicating compound: Adisil Blau 9:1 (addition-curing duplicating silicone), Siladent

Implants: RN synOcta, Straumann

Resin teeth:
Resident anteriors (13 to 23): A3/882 PhysioStar NFC, Candulor

Pattern resin and silicone:
Pattern resin: Pattern Resin LS, GC
Silicone index: SheraDuett A and B (addition-curing putty silicone), Shera

Electroplated copings:
Adhesive cement for electroplated copings: Qattro Zem, GoldQuadrat
Gold bath for double crowns: Galva TK 210, GoldQuadrat
Die material: Picopoly (polyurethane-based high-precision die material), Picodent

Investment compounds and alloys:
Investment compound for precious-metal alloy and precious-metal ceramic-bonding alloy: StarVest-Soft-3, Weber Dental
Precious-metal ceramic-bonding alloy for bridge framework: PontoLloyd L, BEGO
Precious-metal alloy for telescope crowns: PontoLloyd 100, BEGO
Abrasive for precious-metal ceramic-bonding alloy:: Korox 110, BEGO
Abrasive for precious-metal alloy: Perlablast micro, BEGO

Ceramic materials
(opaques, dentines, and memos, opaque dentines and effects for veneering ceramics): GC Initial MC gum shade, GC

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