DOI: 10.11607/prd.2016.3.e, PubMed ID (PMID): 27563711Pagine 307, Lingua: IngleseNevins, Marc L.DOI: 10.11607/prd.2851, PubMed ID (PMID): 27100800Pagine 308-317, Lingua: IngleseSimion, Massimo / Ferrantino, Luca / Idotta, Eleonora / Zarone, FernandoThe aim of this retrospective clinical trial was to evaluate the performance of 91 turned implants placed in vertically augmented ridges in 33 patients by means of guided bone regeneration techniques after a mean followup of 15 years. A total of 88 implants were in function (97% survival rate), whereas 9 showed peri-implantitis (9.9%). A mean radiographic bone loss of 1.02 mm between the baseline evaluation (1 year after loading) and the final visit (13 to 21 years later) was recorded. In conclusion, turned implants placed in vertically augmented bone seem to remain stable after many years of function.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.2698, PubMed ID (PMID): 27100801Pagine 318-327, Lingua: IngleseZucchelli, Giovanni / Stefanini, M. / Ganz, S. / Mazzotti, Claudio / Mounssif, Ilham / Marzadori, MatteoThe aim of this parallel double-blind randomized controlled clinical trial was to describe a modified approach using the coronally advanced flap (CAF) with triangular design and to compare its efficacy, in terms of root coverage and esthetics, with a trapezoidal type of CAF. A sample of 50 isolated Miller Class I and II gingival recessions with at least 1 mm of keratinized tissue apical to the defects were treated with CAF. Of these recessions, 25 were randomly treated with trapezoidal CAF (control group) while the other 25 (test group) were treated with a modified triangular CAF. The clinical and esthetic evaluations, made by the patient and an independent periodontist, were performed 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year after the surgery. No statistically significant difference was demonstrated between the two CAF groups in terms of recession reduction, complete root coverage, or 6-month and 1-year patient esthetic scores. Better 3-month patient esthetic evaluations and better periodontist root coverage, color match, and contiguity assessments were reported after triangular CAF. Trapezoidal CAF was associated with greater incidence of keloid formation. Single-type gingival recessions can be successfully covered with both types of CAF. The triangular CAF should be preferred for esthetically demanding patients.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.2644, PubMed ID (PMID): 27100802Pagine 328-337, Lingua: IngleseUrban, Istvan A. / Monje, Alberto / Nevins, Myron / Nevins, Marc L. / Lozada, Jamie L. / Wang, Hom-LaySevere vertical ridge deficiency in the anterior maxilla represents one of the most challenging scenarios in bone regeneration. Under ideal circumstances, guided bone regeneration in combination with soft tissue management has shown predictable esthetic and functional outcomes. Success largely relies on primary wound closure during and after the surgical procedure. Surgical sites present different challenges that need to be considered when designing the flap. The goal of this article is to propose a classification of flap designs that considers vestibular depth and scar formation around the periosteum when performing vertical ridge augmentation in the atrophic anterior maxilla. The four clinical conditions proposed under this classification are (1) shallow vestibule with healthy periosteum, (2) deep vestibule with healthy periosteum, (3) shallow vestibule with scarred periosteum, and (4) deep vestibule with scarred periosteum. The classification will allow clinicians to achieve tension-free closure and more predictable vertical bone gain.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.2773, PubMed ID (PMID): 27100803Pagine 338-345, Lingua: IngleseNeiva, Rodrigo / Tovar, Nick / Jimbo, Ryo / Gil, Luiz F. / Goldberg, Paula / Barbosa, Joao P. M. / Lilin, Thomas / Coelho, Paulo G.One-stage implants were placed in the mandibles of eight beagle dogs with laser-etched (LL) and machined abutments. After 4 weeks, half of the LL abutments were disconnected and reconnected after 10 minutes of saline storage, and the other half were replaced with a new LL abutment (impression simulation) with or without sulcus de-epithelialization. After abutment change, systems remained in vivo for 3 weeks. Results showed that LL abutments can be reconnected and that sulcus scoring prior to LL placement of onestage implants receiving machined abutments may be beneficial.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.2428, PubMed ID (PMID): 27100804Pagine 346-354, Lingua: IngleseDegidi, Marco / Nardi, Diego / Piattelli, AdrianoThe aim of this prospective study was to demonstrate the feasibility of the conic coupling connection as a novel approach for the retention of immediately loaded, titanium-reinforced, temporary fixed partial restorations. The patients received a fixed, immediate partial restoration, attached using the conic coupling connection to two implants placed in a fresh extraction socket. Changes in marginal periimplant bone level or probing depth measurements, biologic or technical complications, and any other adverse event were recorded at yearly follow-ups up to 3 years after implantation. A total of 78 implants placed in 39 patients reached the 3-year follow-up. A trend of bone overgrowth over the implant platform (mean: 0.2 mm) and a complete fill of the vertical gap between the implant platform level and the first point of contact of the bone with the implant surface was seen after the 6-month follow-up. No disconnection of any prosthesis was noted during 3 years of full occlusal function. The results of this study suggest that titaniumreinforced, temporary partial restorations with conic coupling retention supported by immediate implants provide a successful, cost-effective treatment modality.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.2540, PubMed ID (PMID): 27100805Pagine 356-361, Lingua: IngleseSentineri, Rosario / Lombardi, Teresa / Celauro, Andrea / Stacchi, ClaudioSevere atrophy of the anterior maxilla represents a major challenge for the clinician when planning an implant-supported rehabilitation. Several surgical options are available for augmenting bone volume in this area, including onlay or interpositional bone grafts, guided bone regeneration, distraction osteogenesis, and nasal floor augmentation. This case report describes a novel approach to nasal floor elevation using ultrasonic instruments to prepare the implant sites followed by transcrestal hydrodynamic nasal mucosa elevation and grafting with a collagenized xenogeneic biomaterial. This minimally invasive technique allowed for vertical augmentation of the atrophic anterior maxilla together with implant placement in a single-stage surgery.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.2759, PubMed ID (PMID): 27100806Pagine 362-371, Lingua: IngleseHarrel, Stephen K. / Abraham, Celeste M. / Rivera-Hidalgo, Francisco / Shulman, Jay D. / Nunn, Martha E.The aim of this study was to report the 1-year clinical outcomes from videoscopeassisted minimally invasive surgery (V-MIS). A sample of 18 patients having sites with residual pocket probing depth (PPD) of at least 5 mm and 2 mm loss in clinical attachment level (CAL) following initial nonsurgical therapy were treated with V-MIS. At 12 months postsurgery, there was a statistically significant improvement (P .001) in mean PPD (4.11 ± 0.98 mm) and CAL (4.58 ± 1.19 mm) in all surgical sites. A mean improvement in soft tissue height (0.48 ± 0.65 mm, P = .006) was also observed. In most cases, patients reported no postoperative discomfort. The improvements associated with V-MIS appear to be favorable when compared with previously reported results of periodontal regenerative surgery. The lack of postsurgical recession following V-MIS has not been reported with traditional regenerative surgery.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.2581, PubMed ID (PMID): 27100807Pagine 372-381, Lingua: IngleseLevine, Robert A. / McAllister, Bradley S.This article presents a case report of implant site development in a healthy, nonsmoking 62-year-old man using titanium mesh (Ti-mesh) in conjunction with human cellular allograft for ridge augmentation of a type 4 alveolar ridge defect. The patient presented initially with a severely periodontally abscessed maxillary right central incisor probing to the apex. The tooth was extracted, and after 8 weeks a bone reconstructive procedure was completed using a well-stabilized Ti-mesh and cellular allograft that was covered with a quickly resorbing collagen matrix. After 7 months of undisturbed healing, cone beam computed tomographic evaluation demonstrated a horizontal bone increase of 7 mm and a vertical bone increase of 2.3 mm. This case report demonstrates the benefits of predictable regenerative space maintenance using Ti-mesh in conjunction with a cellular allograft to allow for prosthetically driven implant placement in the esthetic zone.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.2653, PubMed ID (PMID): 27100808Pagine 382-391, Lingua: InglesePini-Prato, Giovanpaolo / Magnani, Cristina / Rotundo, RobertoThe aim of this preliminary study is to show the effect of the biofilm decontamination approach on peri-implantitis treatment. Clinical cases showing peri-implantitis were treated using an oral tissue decontaminant material that contains a concentrated aqueous mixture of hydroxybenzenesulfonic and hydroxymethoxybenzenesulfonic acids and sulfuric acid. The material was positioned in the pocket around the implant without anesthesia in nonsurgically treated cases. No instrumentation and no systemic or local antibiotics were used in any of the cases. A questionnaire was used for each patient to record the pain/discomfort felt when the material was administered. All of the treated cases healed well and rapidly. The infections were quickly resolved without complications. The momentary pain on introduction of the material was generally well tolerated and completely disappeared after a few seconds. The biofilm decontamination approach seems to be a very promising technique for the treatment of peri-implantitis. The local application of this material avoids the use of systemic or local antibiotics.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.2583, PubMed ID (PMID): 27100809Pagine 392-399, Lingua: InglesePeron, Cristian / Romanos, GeorgiosSingle nonrestorable teeth were atraumatically extracted and hybrid titanium implants with tantalum-based midsections (TM) were placed in fresh extraction sockets. Provisional acrylic crowns were delivered (in occlusion) immediately after surgery. Occlusal contacts were present in the maximal intercuspation but not in the lateral movements of the mandible. Two weeks after placement, the implants were finally restored with screw-retained or cemented lithium disilicate crowns. A total of 25 patients were treated (26 implants). Most implants were placed in maxillary premolar locations and in lower-density bone. Mean crestal bone loss was 0.58 ± 0.34 mm. Implant survival and success rates were 100%, respectively (follow-up: 14.1 ± 1.5 months). Within the limitations of this study, immediate placement and loading of TM implants resulted in predictable clinical, functional, and esthetic outcomes.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.2381, PubMed ID (PMID): 27100810Pagine 399-407, Lingua: IngleseRosa, Ariádene Cristina Pértile de Oliveira / Rosa, José Carlos Martins da / Pereira, Luís Antônio Violin Dias / Francischone, Carlos Eduardo / Sotto-Maior, Bruno SallesThis prospective case series proposes a method for selecting the diameter of immediate postextraction anterior implants and guiding the placement position of the implant based on the buccolingual dimension with the goal of preserving the buccal bone wall. The socket buccolingual distance was measured to determine the appropriate implant diameter, considering a 3-mm gap to the buccal wall. Pre- and postoperative cone-beam computed tomography images were compared to evaluate the buccal bone. The socket width measurements were not significantly different (P = .931). The mean widths of the postoperative buccal bone were 3.01 ± 0.18 mm, 2.92 ± 0.38 mm, and 2.83 ± 0.42 mm for the crestal bone at the implant platform and at 2 and 4 mm apically, respectively, after 35 months of follow-up. This new diameter selection method for implants demonstrated predictable buccal plate preservation.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.2249, PubMed ID (PMID): 27100811Pagine 408-415, Lingua: IngleseKahn, Sergio / Almeida, Renato Alves da Rocha / Dias, Alexandra Tavares / Rodrigues, Walmir Júnior de Pinho Reis / Barceleiro, Marcos Oliveira / Taba jr., MarioGingival biotype is a clinical term used to describe the thickness of the gingiva. It has been classified as being thick or thin and may be related to the clinical outcome of root coverage procedures. This study evaluated the impact of gingival biotype on the clinical outcome of root coverage procedures following subepithelial connective tissue graft plus coronally positioned flap. A total of 19 patients, 10 with thin and 9 with thick gingival biotype, were treated for localized Miller Class I or II gingival recessions. After 6 months, 14 patients achieved complete root coverage, 7 from each group. The overall mean pooled root coverage rate was 90.93%. The thin biotype cases yielded a reduced mean root coverage of 88.51% compared with 93.63% for patients who had the thick biotype classification. Although the thin gingival biotype may impair the clinical outcome of root coverage procedures, this limitation does not appear to have a strong influence on the success of the root coverage therapy when subepithelial connective tissue graft was associated with the coronal positioning of the flap.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.2651, PubMed ID (PMID): 27100812Pagine 416-423, Lingua: IngleseGluckman, Howard / Du Toit, Jonathan / Salama, MauriceAugmentive ridge preservation techniques aim to manage the postextraction ridge. The partial extraction of teeth may better preserve the ridge form by maintaining the bundle bone-periodontal ligament apparatus. Root submergence has been demonstrated to retain the periodontal tissues and preserve the ridge beneath dentures or fixed prostheses. The socket-shield technique entails preparing a tooth root section simultaneous to immediate implant placement and has demonstrated histologic and clinical results contributory to esthetic implant treatment. A retrospective 10-patient case series treating 14 partial extraction sites demonstrates how a modification of the socket-shield technique can successfully develop pontic sites and preserve the ridge.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.2405, PubMed ID (PMID): 27100813Pagine 424-430, Lingua: IngleseGavic, Lidia / Gorseta, Kristina / Borzabadi-Farahani, Ali / Tadin, Antonija / Glavina, Domagoj / van Duinen, Raymond N. / Lynch, EdwardThe purpose of this study was to verify for various glass-ionomer cement (GIC) products whether the application of thermo-light curing on the initial curing material produces an increase in microhardness, and to determine whether this hardness varies depending on the depths of the GIC samples. The efficacy of various polymerization units on this additional hardening was also examined. The GIC samples were thermo-light cured for 60 seconds with three polymerization units. The Vickers microhardness was measured at three different depths: 2 mm, 3 mm, and 4 mm. Analysis of variance and Newman- Keuls test showed statistically significant differences among tested samples for all three GIC groups (P .001). The results of linear regression analysis showed a statistically significant relationship between the hardness of the material and the temperature for samples with depths of 2 mm (R = 0.78; P = .0028) and 3 mm (R = 0.59; P = .045). The findings of this study indicate that thermo-light curing of GIC with different polymerization units for 60 seconds during setting reaction increases the microhardness of the GICs at all depths tested and may increase resistance to mastication forces, which can be validated in future clinical studies.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.2209, PubMed ID (PMID): 27100814Pagine 431-436, Lingua: IngleseAbdelhafez, Reem S. / Alhabashneh, Rola / Khader, Yousef / Hijazi, Mohammed / Jarah, MohammedThis study investigated changes in residual ridge dimensions after tooth extraction among thin and thick gingival biotypes. Fifteen patients who required extraction of maxillary premolars were classified according to gingival biotypes (10 teeth in 9 participants were included in the thick group, and 6 teeth in 6 participants were included in the thin group). Minimally traumatic extractions were carried out using periotomes and rotational movement of teeth. At the time of extraction an osteometer was used to measure the thickness of the labial plate and the bony alveolar ridge at the extraction site by penetrating the tissues until bone was reached 5 mm, 7 mm, and 10 mm below the midpoint of the crest of the facial and palatal gingival margins. Standardized radiographs were taken immediately and after 3 months. The results of this study show minimal differences in dimensional changes following extraction of premolar teeth in thick and thin gingival biotypes. Significantly greater bone loss was detected in both gingival biotypes when the labial plate thickness was less than 1.5 mm, especially in alveolar ridge height.
Solo onlineDOI: 10.11607/prd.2351, PubMed ID (PMID): 27100815Pagine 49-58, Lingua: IngleseCho, Sung-Yong / Huh, Yoon-Hyuk / Park, Chan-Jin / Cho, Lee-RaThis study investigated stress distribution in four different implant-abutment interface conditions in the internal tapered connection implant system. Four different implant diameters (3.5 mm, 4.0 mm, 4.5 mm, and 5.0 mm) and two abutment types (hexagonal and conical) were simulated. Four unique implantabutment interface conditions were assumed based on wall thickness, mating surface length, distance to the vertical stop, and abutment shape. Axial and oblique loading was applied during abutment screw preload, and the Von Mises stresses were measured at the implant-abutment and abutment-screw interfaces. The implant-abutment interface stress decreased as the wall thickness increased. As the mating surface increased, the stress distribution trended downward, and when the distance to the implant vertical stop was 0 μm, the Von Mises stress was extremely high at the vertical stop. Despite their different shapes, the abutments showed similar stress distributions. However, the maximum Von Mises stress was higher in the conical connection than in the hexagonal connection, particularly at the contralateral side to loading. To decrease the stress distribution at the implantabutment interface, the implant wall thickness, mating surface contact length, distance to the vertical stop, and abutment shape should be carefully considered.