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  • Quintessence Publishing United Kingdom
Reiner Mengel / Christian Foitzik

Guided Bone Regeneration in Posterior Maxilla with Membrane Technique. Insertion of an Implant - The entire case

25 Minutes

Category: Implantology
Language(s): English, German
Publication year: 2005
Video source: APW DVD Journal
Series: APW DVD Journal

Part 1

  1. Incision and mobilization of the mucoperiosteal flap
  2. Cleaning the bony defect
  3. Screw insertion for support, membrane application and fixation
  4. Suture closure

Part 2

  1. Opening of the mucosa above the region of augmented bone
  2. Preparation of tunnel and bone bed for an open screw-type endosteal implant (Straumann® implant)
  3. Use of single button sutures for tension-free wound closure

This female patient presented with bone loss due to a radicular cyst at tooth 27 and peri-implantitis at tooth 26. Four months after extraction of the respective tooth and implant, guided bone regeneration (GBR) was carried out using supporting screws and an e-PTFE membrane for augmentation of the posterior tooth region of the maxilla. Four months after GBR the insertion of an implant took place.

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