1st Edition 2023
Hardcover; 28 x 21 cm; 19 Videos, 352 pages, 1526 illustrations
Language: English
Categories: Esthetic Dentistry, Restorative Dentistry
Stock No.: 7754
ISBN 978-1-78698-116-5
QP Deutschland
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Veneers is not a book to impress, but a book to teach, wherein the author’s deep knowledge of the foundations of dentistry is revealed. The need to carry out adequate diagnoses that consider functional aspects fundamental to achieving success in this compromised type of treatment is emphasized. The book answers a number of questions: Is veneering a challenge? What do you need to have a predictable key to success in your workshop? And – What did I have to learn and remember well, after an era of uncertainty, trials, and material choices, to treat this therapy as an ordinary but demanding clinical procedure? Through detailed clinical cases, this book shows when veneers are indicated, when to avoid them, what risks lie in wait, how to prepare the teeth, what type of materials to use, and how to proceed with cementation. It also shows where this type of treatment is going in the future, with the incorporation of the digital workflow. This book is a must for clinicians dedicated to esthetic restorative dentistry.
Chapter 01. Why Veneers?
Chapter 02. Porcelain Veneers – Yes or No?
Chapter 03. Planning Veneers
Chapter 04. Dental Morphology
Chapter 05. Photography Communication
Chapter 06. Preparation – Impression – Provisional Veneers
Chapter 07. Veneers Cementation
Chapter 08. Atlas of Clinical Procedures
Chapter 09. Minimally Invasive Veneers or No-Prep Veneers?
Chapter 10+ Digital Veneers
He received his dental degree from the Faculty of Dentistry at Semmelweis University, Budapest (Hungary). Upon his graduation, Maciej pursued a Doctor of Medical Sciences title, obtained after pass with honors for his dissertation defense on composite inlays-onlays in the restoration of endodontically treated teeth. Maciej has been a long-time researcher and lecturer, working with dental students at the Department of Propedeutics of Conservative Dentistry of CMUJ, Krakow. During his International Association of Dental Research scholarship, he conducted research work on adhesive bridges (FDPs) as well as the restoration of endodontically treated teeth at the universities of Leeds and Manchester. He has been a visiting professor at the University of Chieti (Italy), and visiting lecturer the UIC University (Barcelona). In 2021 he became a mentor at the prestigious Kois Center in Seattle. In 1999 Maciej established his private practice “Dentist” in Krakow and maintains it with his energetic attitude and everlasting passion. Maciej takes pride in being Editor-in-Chief of the Quintessence for Dentists journal. His book, EndoProsthodontics: A Guide for Clinical Practice, has achieved success and is now published in English, Chinese, Croatian, French, and Russian. He has authored more than 80 scientific papers in both national and international journals. Maciej is also an active member in the Italian restorative dentistry research group “Style Italiano,” as well as the Polish Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. In 2019 he became a certified member of European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry.
A dentist by choice and a graduate of the Medical University of Porto (Portugal), a few years later becoming a Master of Implantology at the University of Seville (Spain). There, she completed postgraduate studies in the field of esthetic dentistry. Margarida runs a private dental clinic specializing in surgical and prosthetic treatment. She improves her knowledge and gains new experiences as a participant of renowned courses and congresses in prestigious dental training centers. She has unique knowledge in the field of tooth morphology, so necessary to optimize the esthetics and function. Since 2019, she has actively participated in the activities of the Style Italiano group.
Louis Hardan, DDS, PhD, is a professor and the director of the master program in the Restorative and Esthetic Department at Saint Joseph University in Beirut, Lebanon. He received his dental degree in 1989 and continued his postdoctoral education at Saint Joseph University, where he obtained a certificate for basic science in 1993, completed his specialization in restorative and esthetic dentistry in 1995, and completed his PhD in oral biology and materials in 2009. Dr Hardan maintains a private practice in his hometown of Byblos, Lebanon, and he is the scientific director and an honorary and active international member of StyleItaliano. He is also the country chairperson for Lebanon of the European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry. Dr Hardan is the inventor of Smile Lite MDP (Smile Line), a device used to take high-quality dental photographs with a mobile phone, for which he won the Best of Class Technology Award in 2017, as well as Posterior Misura (LM instrument), an instrument for shaping direct posterior composites. He has many publications to his name in international journals and has given several international lectures and courses on esthetics, restorative dentistry, and mobile dental photography.
A graduate of the Faculty of Dentistry and Prosthodontics at the University of La Sapienza in Rome (Italy). He also completed studies in the field of prosthetics. He gained new experience in prosthetic procedures at Oral Design Center Roma, and in the field of new directions of esthetic dentistry by participating in courses conducted at the University of Geneva (Switzerland). His practice “Studio Dr. Nicastro” in Rome uses modern therapeutic methods. Minimally invasive procedures, shaping optimal occlusive conditions, integrating esthetics and functions, and finally, the methodology of digital dentistry set the tone for everyday practice in this therapeutic center. This renowned center is dominated by two specialties: esthetic dentistry and implantology, with a wide range of accompanying prosthetic procedures. He is a member of the Italian Dental Society and the Italian Academy of Dental Prosthetics , and one of the founders of the Interdisciplinary CAD/CAM Study. Author of many international publications, lecturer at national and international congresses in the field of esthetic restorative dentistry.
Born in Savona in 1961 where he lives and has worked in his own laboratory since 1982 with his collaborators. Graduated from the dental technicians school IPSIA “P.Gaslini” in Genoa in 1979. He continued his education by attending relevant workshops for the “Italian dental school “and furthered his professional experience in Switzerland, Germany and Japan. Particularly interested in the morphology and dental aesthetics, he has collaborated in the development of aesthetic dental restoration materials. and is author of “Techniques of Ceramic multistratification” (ed.UTET). He has created a manual for laboratory work on the use of composite materials by determining work protocols for the indirect technique and also for the technique of pressing composite structures on metal know as the “inverse stratification system” which he designed. He is the author of numerous articles on aesthetic restoration published in Italy and abroad. Some of his cases are published in the text “The conservative restoration of anterior teeth.”(ed.ACME) Vanini Mangani Klimovscaja. other clinical cases are presented by Dr. W. Devoto in the publication ”Restorative Dentistry: Treatment procedures and future prospects” (Ed. E. Masson). Active member EAED. Member and speaker SICED. Teacher-trainer in practical dental aesthetics at the graduate school of Brescia SICED.