1st Edition 2011
Hardcover, 536 pages, 1226 illustrations colored
Language: English
Categories: Interdisciplinary, Restorative Dentistry, General Dentistry
Stock No.: 7173
ISBN 978-0-86715-501-3
Volume II of Interdisciplinary Treatment Planning paved the way to a higher level of proficiency in case planning by introducing and illustrating essential principles employed by master clinicians in their quest for predictability and excellence. Each contributor's section concluded with a treatment planning case for readers to undertake, testing their true understanding of the principles introduced in that chapter. This second volume takes readers to the next important step: learning by repetition through the presentation of additional cases treated by master clinicians from every specialty. Each is introduced by the clinician, who provides the rationale for choosing the particular case, a suggested focus in treatment plan design, key elements to consider when planning the case, and what the reader can expect to learn from the process. The case presentations follow the format established in the first volume: Diagnostic findings and pretreatment images are presented first to allow the reader to develop a treatment plan, then the master clinician's proposed treatment plan and account of actual treatment provided are detailed, accompanied by treatment and posttreatment images. Continuing the innovative educational approach of the bestselling first volume, this book provides the opportunity to learn through the experience of developing comprehensive treatment plans under the guidance of master clinicians.
Chapter 01. Combining Orthodontic and Restorative Therapy in Complex Cases
Chapter 02. Functional Considerations in Treatment Planning the Biomechanically Compromised Dentition
Chapter 03. Managing Treatment for the Restorative Patient with Significant Maxillary Anterior Bone Loss
Chapter 04. The Papilla Between Adjacent Implants: Treatment Planning to Optimize Esthetic Outcomes
Chapter 05. Smile Design: From Digital Treatment Planning to Clinical Reality
Chapter 06. Autotransplantation to Replace an Ankylosed Maxillary Anterior Tooth in a Young Patient
Chapter 07. Anterior Wear: Orthodontic and Restorative Management
Chapter 08. Biometric Determinants of Tooth and Gingival Esthetics
Chapter 09. Endodontic Failure in the Esthetic Zone: Interdisciplinary Decision Making
Chapter 10. Complex Full-Mouth Implant-Supported Reconstruction
Chapter 11. Digital Image Morphing for Collaborative Treatment Planning
Chapter 12. Management of Patients with Missing/Abnormally Proportioned Teeth, Part II
Chapter 13. Designing the Fixed Implant-Supported Reconstruction for the Fully Edentulous Patient
Chapter 14. Minimizing the Liability of Re-entry: A Clinician's Projection of Risk
Chapter 15. Management of an Esthetic Implant Complication
Chapter 16. The Periodontal-Prosthodontic Interface Around Natural Teeth and Implants
Chapter 17. A Comprehensive Approach to a Complex Case of Dysgnathia
Chapter 18. A Path to Interdisciplinary Care for the Dental Team
Chapter 19. The Difficult Deep Bite Dilemma
Marcelo A. Calamita • Nitzan Bichacho • Murilo Calgaro • Yen-Wei Chen • Christian Coachman • Stephen J. Chu • Eric Van Dooren • George Duello • Stefano Gracis • Galip Gürel • Jim Janakievski • Greggory Kinzer • John C. Kois • Vincent G. Kokich • Vincent O. Kokich • Glenn D. Krieger • Cobi J. Landsberg • Sonia S. Leziy • Siegfried Marquardt • Brahm A. Miller • Ricardo Mitrani • Tal Morr • Henry I. Nichols • Robert "Tito" Norris • Ariel J. Raigrodski • J. William Robbins • Anthony G. Sclar • Ward M. Smalley • Dennis P. Tarnow • John D. West
Dr Cohen received his DDS degree from McGill University in Montreal and his MS degree and certificate in periodontics from the University of Washington School of Dentistry, where he now serves as a visiting assistant clinical professor in the Department of Periodontics. He has authored numerous articles on continuing education and is the editor of Interdisciplinary Treatment Planning: Principles, Design, Implementation (Quintessence, 2008). For the past 25 years, Dr Cohen has lectured nationally and internationally on the topic of comprehensive treatment planning, and he maintains a private practice limited to periodontics and implants in the Seattle area.The Seattle Study Club is the brainchild of Dr Cohen. An advanced educational organization, the Seattle Study Club consists of clinicians dedicated to raising the level of practice within their profession. This “university without walls” has more than 6,500 members in approximately 250 chapters in the United States, Canada, Australia, Germany, Spain, Taiwan, and Great Britain. Each club provides clinical treatment-planning sessions designed to increase total case management, problem-solving sessions, a faculty of specialists, and dedicated comprehensive treatment planning. National lecturers are showcased in small group settings, allowing intimate sharing of state-of-the-art treatment for the patient. The Seattle Study Club also publishes a quarterly interdisciplinary treatment-planning journal (The Seattle Study Club Journal) and sponsors lectures, conferences, and symposia. Guidance and assistance is also provided to each of the locally based study clubs.