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  • Quintessence Publishing United Kingdom
Sandra Khong Tai

Clear Aligner Technique

1st Edition 2018
Hardcover, 21,6 x 28 cm, 320 pages, 1344 illustrations
Language: English
Category: Orthodontics

Stock No.: 7535
ISBN 978-0-86715-777-2

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Clear aligners are the future of orthodontics, but digital orthodontics evolves so rapidly that it is hard to keep pace. This book approaches clear aligner treatment from a diagnosis and treatment-planning perspective, discussing time-tested orthodontic principles like biomechanics and anchorage and demonstrating how to apply them to orthodontic cases using these appliances. Each chapter explains how to use clear aligners to treat a given malocclusion and teaches clinicians how to program a suitable treatment plan using available software, how to design the digital tooth movements to match the treatment goals, and finally how to execute the treatment clinically and finish the case well. This clinical handbook will prepare orthodontists and dental students to exceed patient expectations with the most esthetic orthodontic appliance currently available.

Chapter 01. A Brief History of the Orthodontic Appliance
Chapter 02. A Comparison Between Edgewise Appliances and Clear Aligners
Chapter 03. Case Selection for Clear Aligner Treatment
Chapter 04. ClinCheck Software Design
Chapter 05. Digital Workflow and Monitoring Treatment
Chapter 06. Troubleshooting, Finishing, and Retention
Chapter 07. Resolution of Crowding
Chapter 08. Deep Bite Treatment
Chapter 09. Anterior Open Bite Treatment
Chapter 10. Class II Treatment
Chapter 11. Class III Treatment
Chapter 12. Lower Incisor Extraction Treatment
Chapter 13. Premolar Extraction Treatment
Chapter 14. Orthognathic Surgery
Chapter 15. Interdisciplinary Treatment


Dr. Sandra Khong Tai BDS, MS

Canada, Vancouver

Sandra Khong Tai, BDS, MS, FRCD(C), is a practicing specialist in orthodontics in Vancouver, Canada. She is a Clinical Assistant Professor in Orthodontics at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver as well as an Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of the Pacific in San Francisco, California. She is a Diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics. Dr Tai has been an Invisalign-certified orthodontist since 2000 and is currently an Invisalign Blue Diamond Plus Provider who has treated over 5,000 cases with clear aligners. She is a member of the editorial board for several leading orthodontic journals and has written chapters in multiple orthodontic textbooks. Dr Tai has published several research papers on clear aligners and is one of the pioneer testing doctors for Invisalign with Mandibular Advancement, the Invisalign First appliance, and the Invisalign Palatal Expander. She is a much sought-after international speaker and lectures globally on clear aligner technique.

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