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  • Quintessence Publishing United Kingdom
Barbara L. Chadwick / Marie Thérèse Hosey

Child Taming

How to Manage Children in Dental Practice

Series: QuintEssentials of Dental Practice, Volume 09
2nd Edition 2017
Hardcover, 14 x 21 cm, 152 pages, 82 illustrations
Language: English
Categories: Pediatric Dentistry, General Dentistry

Stock No.: 7515
ISBN 978-1-78698-017-5
QP United Kingdom

£15.00 £2.00

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Dentistry can provoke great apprehension in children, and successfully managing younger patients presents both the greatest challenge and the greatest reward for dentists. This book focuses on training the dental team and parents to work together to ensure that a child's visit to the dentist is a pleasurable experience.

Chapter 01. Introducing the Children
Chapter 02. Child Taming 1: This is what I See, Hear and Feel
Chapter 03. Child Taming 2: The Dental Team
Chapter 04. Parent Training
Chapter 05. Behavioural Management Techniques
Chapter 06. Sequential Treatment Planning
Chapter 07. Conscious Sedation 1: What it Is and When to Use It
Chapter 08. Conscious Sedation 2: Preparing the Parent and Child
Chapter 09. Conscious Sedation 3: Preparing the Dental Team and Facilities
Chapter 10. Conscious Sedation 4: What to Use and How to Use It
Chapter 11. General Anaesthesia: What it Is and When it is Needed
Chapter 12. Preparing Children and their Families for Sedation and General Anaesthesia
Appendix 1: The Pre-appointment Letter
Appendix 2: Patient Information Sheet for Inhalation Sedation


Prof. Barbara L. Chadwick

Barbara Lesley Chadwick is Professor of Paediatric Dentistry and Honorary Consultant in Paediatric Dentistry at the School of Dentistry, Cardiff University. She qualified from the London Hospital Medical College in 1983 and then took up an appointment at the University of Wales, where she completed MScD (1990) and PhD (1997) degrees.


Marie Thérèse Hosey

Marie Thérèse Hosey is Head of Paediatric Dentistry at King's College London and Honorary Consultant at King's College London and Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital, London. She qualified from the University of Glasgow in 1985 and subsequently completed her MSc (1991) and DDS (1997) postgraduate degrees there. She read Paediatric Dentistry at the University of Glasgow before joining King's College London in 2008. Her research interests are the pharmacological and behavioural management of anxious children, especially those who require general anaesthesia, as well as children with clefts. She has received research funding, mainly for clinical trials, from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) and the Scottish Chief Scientist Office.

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