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Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. Peer W. Kämmerer MA, FEBOMFS

Germany, Mainz

Prof. Dr. Dr. Peer Kämmerer is an oral, maxillofacial and plastic surgeon working at the University of Mainz, Germany as Medical Director of the Department of Oral-, Maxillofacial- and Facial Plastic Surgery. He is certified specialist for oral, maxillofacial and plastic surgery (medical degree), for oral surgery (dental degree), for special pain therapy in the head and neck area (medical), specialist for dental implantology (dental) and specialist for plastic surgery (medical). So far, he has written more than 300 peer-revied scientific articles and reviews covering the topics facial reconstruction, oral cancer, dental implantology including bone augmentation as well as local anesthesia. He is author of several German textbooks covering dental implantology and dental local anesthesia.


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Prof. Dr. Daniel H.-J. Edelhoff

Germany, München

Daniel Edelhoff granted his Certified Dental Technician degree from the Dental technician school in Düsseldorf, Germany. He graduated from Dental School in 1991 and earned his Doctor of Medical Dentistry degree from the University of Aachen, Germany in 1994. He served as Visiting Professor at the Dental Clinical Research Center of the Oregon Health and Sciences University, Portland, Oregon from 1999 to 2001. He granted his Ph.D. in June 2003 at the University of Aachen and is currently Director and Chair at the Department of Prosthodontics and Dental Material Sciences at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich. Daniel Edelhoff is board certified Specialist in Prosthodontics and holds membership in the German Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine and the German Society Dental Prosthetics and Biomaterial Sciences (DGPro). He is Vice-President of the Association of Dental Technology (ADT), member of the advisory board of the DGPro, Associate Member of the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (AAED) and International College of Dentists (ICD), as well as Scientific Chairman of the 8th World Congress of the International Federation of Esthetic Dentistry (IFED) 2013 in Munich. Daniel Edelhoff received in 2010 the award "Best Lecture" by the Association of Dental Technology (ADT), in 2011 the award "Best article of the year" by the Italian Dental Dialogue Journal, and in 2011/2012/2013 three awards "Best Teacher" by the dental students of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University and the Bavarian Association of Dentists. Since 2014 he is Active Member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED) as well as Associate Editor of the multidisciplinary international research journal Clinical Oral Investigations.


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