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1681 Authors/Speakers


Christa Maurer

Germany, Lindau Bodensee More information

Monika Maxerath

Germany, Bonn-Bad Godesberg More information

Dr. Claudio Mazzotti


Graduated in 2005 with a degree in dentistry. In the year 2010, he obtained a master’s degree in periodontology from the University of Siena. Active member of the Italian Society of Periodontology (SIdP) since 2011. Coordinator of the “young SIdP” group for the 2020–2021 period. Co-author of the chapter “Root Coverage Techniques for Treating Multiple Recessions“ in the Atlas of Periodontology and Implant Therapy of the SIdP (Quintessence Publishing Italia). Collaborates in research and clinical activities with Prof G. Zucchelli at the Department of Periodontology of the University of Bologna. Tutor and faculty member for the master’s degree program in periodontology and clinical implantology and tutor in the international master’s program for soft tissue management around teeth and implants at the University of Bologna. Committee member of the Board of Dentistry of the State Medical Board of Ravenna (from 2018 to date). Author of scientific publications in Italian and international journals and speaker at courses and conferences.

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Dr. Pamela K. McClain DDS

United States of America, Aurora

Pamela K. McClain, DDS, maintains a private practice limited to periodontics and is an associate clinical professor in the Department of Surgical Dentistry at the University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine Anschutz Medical Campus. Dr McClain is a diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology and a past president of the American Academy of Periodontology as well as the American Academy of Periodontology Foundation. She has received a number of prestigious awards for her research, lectures on a variety of topics in the United States and abroad, and has 26 publications in professional journals and books.

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Scott B. McClanahan DDS, MS

United States of America

Scott McClanahan, DDS, MS, earned his DDS from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1981 and served in the United States Navy for 25 years. During his time in the Navy, he worked as a general dentist for 6 years before pursuing advanced training in endodontics from the Northwestern University School of Dentistry. Dr McClanahan joined the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry in 2005, serving as the Director of the Division of Endodontics and the Director of the Graduate Program in Endodontics. Since retiring from academia in 2020, he continues to offer guest lectures and work with the University of Minnesota Division of Endodontics as well as the US Navy’s endodontics program in Bethesda, Maryland. He lives in Virginia with his wife and three dogs.

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Dr. Michael K. McGuire DDS

United States of America

Michael K. McGuire, DDS, is the primary author of over 50 scientific articles and textbook chapters. He is the recipient of numerous awards, including the American Academy of Periodontology’s highest recognition for excellence, four times earning the Robinson Regeneration Award and twice the Clinical Research Award. He is a past chairman of the American Board of Periodontology and past president of numerous organizations, including the American Academy of Periodontology and the American Academy of Periodontology Foundation. He is the founder and chairman of the McGuire Institute.

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Gudrun Mentel

Germany, Offenbach am Main More information

Prof. Dr. Mauro Merli MD, DDS

Italy, Rimini

Mauro Merli, MD, DDS, is a professor of periodontology at the Marche Polytechnic University, president of Clinica Merli, and scientific director of Accademia Dentofacciale Merli. He is an active member of the Italian Society of Periodontology and the Italian Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry. Dr Merli is the author of Implant Therapy: The Integrated Treatment Plan (Quintessence, 2013) and Prosthetics in Implant Therapy (2016) and is an editorial consultant for The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry. He lectures internationally and maintains a private practice with his brother and sister.

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Dr. Wibke Merten

Germany, Hannover

Juan Mesa-Jiménez PT, MSc, PhD


Juan Mesa-Jiménez PT, MSc, PhD ist Professor an der medizinischen Fakultät und Leiter der Masterstudiengänge „Craniomandibuläre Dysfunktion“ und „Orofazialer Schmerz“ an der Universität San Pablo CEU, Madrid, Spanien. Er verfügt über eine mehr als 20-jährige klinische Erfahrung als Privatarzt einer Schmerzklinik, die auf die Behandlung von Patienten mit orofazialen Schmerzen spezialisiert ist. Er hat in peer-reviewed Fachzeitschriften wissenschaftliche Artikel über chronische orofaziale Schmerzen und deren Behandlung mittels Needling-Techniken veröffentlicht und spricht weltweit als Referent auf Konferenzen.

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Louisa Mewes

Germany, Kiel