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  • Quintessence Publishing United Kingdom
Florian Beuer / Michael Stimmelmayr / Josef Schweiger

Innovative CAD/CAM treatment approaches for implant-supported fixed restorations

Trailer | 55 Minuten

Rubrik(en): Implantologie
Sprache(n): Englisch, Deutsch
Publikationsjahr: 2012
Video-Quelle: Compendium Implant-Supported Restorations
Reihe: Compendium Implant-Supported Restorations
Sie sehen den Trailer. Um den gesamten Film zu sehen, erwerben Sie bitte einen Zugang über die verfügbaren Optionen unten.


  • Patient presentation
  • Preparing the implant bed, implant placement, checking implant positions
  • Securing the insertion posts to the index for fabrication of the cast
  • Suturing details
  • Delivery of the adapted long-term provisional
  • Fabricating the cast and the gingival mask, transferring the pontic emergence profiles to the gingival mask, mask adaptation
  • The master cast under the strip scanner with scan bodies on the laboratory analogs
  • CAD crown design and virtual anatomic shaping
  • CAM fabrication of a zirconia abutment
  • Adhesively connecting the zirconia abutment to the titanium base
  • Reentry, split-thickness flap, vestibuloplasty, connecting the zirconia abutments to the implants
  • Mucosal graft to restore a soft-tissue defect
  • Intraoral impression of the abutments
  • Fabricating the definitive lithium disilicate crowns: virtual crown design; CAM milling, characterization of the crowns
  • Delivery, final adjustments, presentation of the treatment outcome
Als DVD kaufen: Kirsch: Implantatprothetik / Implant-supported restorations

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