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We are happy to announce that following the great success of our first two events, we are organizing the 3rd Urban International Hard and Soft Tissue Regeneration Symposium in Budapest, Hungary, on 21–22t October 2022. The event takes place at the Budapest Congress Center.

The pandemic imposed a halt on traveling and conferences worldwide. Yet, with the conclusions drawn and the precautions we take, we are confident that we can organize our next event in the safest environment in Budapest. We all are craving for meeting each other and share fresh scientific knowledge we learned. Since 2017 we grew to a society, too and we would be pleased to welcome you again. In 2017 we had the honor to receive 560 participants from 45 countries, in 2019 the number of participants had increased to 600 arriving from 44 countries worldwide.

By attending this Symposium participants will have a unique opportunity to explore the most recent scientific findings in the field of hard and soft tissue regeneration and refine their attitude for solving problems. Our line-up of speakers represents an elite group of doctors and academics who will share their profound knowledge and experience, and address questions from the audience. We are convinced that they will, yet again provide the highest level of scientific content.

The event is a great opportunity to exchange views and best practices with dental professionals attending from all around the world. Participants will also have the opportunity to explore our exhibitors’ latest products and services. The Symposium will be held on 21–22 October 2022. On the days before and after the event, i.e., 20th and 23rd October, the participants will have the opportunity to participate in one or more of several high-end hands-on workshops providing a more in-depth experience to a limited number of attendees. The workshops in 2017, were attended by over 160, and in 2019 the number of participants at the workshops had reached 224 and were deemed a great success. We are convinced that this year they will be equally auspicious.

Wissenschaftliche Leitung

Dr. Istvan Urban DMD, MD, PhD

Budapest, Hungary
Oktober 29, 2021
Welcome & Introduction
Perspectives on Vertical and Horizontal Augmentation Dr. Istvan Urban
The average size of the vertical defect is growing and the age of the patients are decreasing. These extreme vertical defects were not investigated and documented in clinical studies. Can the old principles be applied to these defects?

Is it possible to treat these defects technically and can biology reach up to the expected heights? What will be the outcome after loading?

What happens to the Sausage Technique TM cases after 15 years? What has been changed of the technique in the last decade?

This presentation will update the clinician about techniques that can treat these types of defects. New research related to these defects will be revealed.

Long-term clinical outcomes of vertical and horizontal augmentation will be presented.
Immediate Dentoalveolar Restoration (IDR) for the treatment of type II and III sockets in complex cases José Carlos Martins da Rosa
The Immediate Dentoalveolar Restoration (IDR) is a surgical and prosthetic powerful technique established to broaden indications for immediate loading on individual compromised teeth. It is a technique that allows tissue losses with varied extensions in compromised sockets to be reconstructed in the same surgical session of implant placement and provisional crown installation, reducing the number of interventions and making esthetic aspects predictable. The main focus of the lecture is to present the IDR protocol, which advocates minimally invasive surgery and flapless procedure. Challenging clinical cases in anterior zone in combination with severe bone loss and soft tissue damage will be discussed, and its biological response. This is a new perspective to manage compromised sockets in a simplest and reproducible way.
The Sinus Course and Workshop. Dr. Jaime Lozada
The Maxillary Sinus Grafting Procedure is one of the most widely reported surgical procedures in advanced implant dentistry. The treatment techniques have evolved over the years as well as the utilization of graft materials for the modified sinus cavity. Along with all of those publications and changes with technique, a number of complications can also occur during and after the surgical treatment. This presentation will focus on the diagnosis, technique selection and execution as well as the management of complications while treating patients with maxillary sinus graft procedures
Coffee Break at Venue
Bone and soft tissue augmentations in the esthetic area: a technique-sensitive procedure. Dr. Ueli Grunder
Bone and soft tissue augmentation are necessary to compensate for, or prevent tissue deficits around implants placed in the esthetic region. Lack of bone can either make the placement of implants impossible or it is a limiting factor for an optimal esthetic result. Guided Bone Regeneration is a proven technique for such bone augmentation. When used correctly and with the right materials, the desired result can be achieved with good long-term results. However, the GBR technique is very technique-sensitive. Mistakes which prevent success can be made starting with the incision technique over the membrane adaptation to tension free flap adaptation. But we learned that bone augmentation alone doesn’t give us the perfect tissue volume. Soft tissue augmentation appears to be of enormous importance, particularly for long term success. Depending on the initial situation, various techniques are successful if they are applied correctly. This presentation will discuss the goals of the GBR and soft tissue augmentation techniques, especially in the aesthetic field, as well as which steps in the surgical phase are really essential for success.
Wissenschaftliche Leitung

Dr. Istvan Urban DMD, MD, PhD

Budapest, Hungary
Oktober 30, 2021
Computer guided bone harvesting for vertical bone augmentation Dr. Luca De Stavola
Autogenous bone plays fundamental role in supporting new bone formation in critical size defect. Nevertheless, intra-oral bone block harvesting may result a challenging and stressful step for many Clinicians. Digital techniques changed completely the complexity of the free hand approach, indeed, pre-evaluation of the defect anatomy and, consequently, bone block morphology needed to graft the defect is now possible. A computer guided surgery for bone block harvesting helps the Surgeon to harvest the required dimension and shape of the bone block in a safe and stress free approach. The lecture will analyze the planning phase and the surgical steps to manage vertical bone deficiency in the posterior as well as esthetic areas.
Coffee Break at Venue
Soft tissue autografts from the hard palate – the gold standard for oral soft tissue reconstruction in the spotlight Dr. Otto Zuhr
The application of soft tissue autografts has characterized the last 50 years of clinical periodontology, and till today – more than ever – a variety of soft tissue grafting interventions is carried out with two different targets being pursued: increasing the width of keratinized mucosa and increasing soft tissue volume.

To reduce pain, invasiveness and side effects originating from the donor site at the hard palate, the search for soft tissue substitute materials has become an important field of research and enormous effort has been taken by scientists and clinicians to develop reliable alternatives. However, a solid body of evidence points out, that independent of the clinical indication and independent of the soft tissue substitute material investigated, epithelialized as well as subepithelial connective tissue grafts must be considered as the gold standard materials for oral soft tissue reconstruction to the present day.

Against this background, it must be expected, that more transparency and understanding for the predictably successful application of soft tissue autografts would substantially influence future research and further progress with regard to possible substitute materials will to some extent be dependent on whether or not some fundamental landmark questions can be answered like for instance: what is the true nature of the positive connective tissue graft effect in gingival recession therapy? does it make a difference for the patients, where and how soft tissue autografts are harvested at the hard palate? can varying tissue compositions possibly impact the clinical characteristics of different autografts with regard to re-vascularization, epithelial differentiation and volume stability?

The present presentation will not be able to answer all the aforementioned questions. By presenting available research data and associated clinical observations it can contribute though to a better understanding of the hurdles to take in search for biomaterials that aim to substitute the use of autologous soft tissue grafts in the near future.
Lunch at Venue
Management of peri-implantitis Prof. Dr. Frank Schwarz, Dr. med. dent. Aušra Ramanauskaitė
Peri-implantitis is a plaque-associated pathological condition characterized by the mucosal inflammation along with progressive loss of supporting bone. Substantial evidence suggests that non-surgical therapy is of limited efficacy in arresting further bone loss, thus indicating the necessity of surgical intervention in the majority of patients diagnosed with peri-implantitis.

Achieving optimal treatment results in diverse clinical situations requires proper knowledge of indications and surgical performance of different surgical treatment modalities. This lecture will cover different surgical peri–implantitis treatment concepts, including reconstructive, resective, and combined surgical therapies, and the decisive factors in determining which surgical technique is most appropriate in different peri-implantitis cases. Important aspects of soft-tissue management and rationale for soft-tissue volume grafting following surgical peri-implantitis treatment, as well as the prognostic factors associated with treatment outcomes will be further discussed.
Coffee Break at Venue
Soft tissue augmentation around implants: How far we can go? Prof. Dr. Giovanni Zucchelli
Soft tissue augmentation procedures have been demonstrated to be critical for the achievement of the esthetic success of implant therapy. In most of challenging cases soft tissue surgery is performed after bone augmentation to “repair” soft tissue defects caused by or residual after bone surgery. In the presentation the possibility and limits to perform soft tissue augmentation before implant therapy with or without bone reconstruction will be analyzed and described.

José Carlos Martins da Rosa DDS

Brasilien, São Leopoldo

José Carlos Martins da Rosa, DDS, ist Autor des Buches Immediate Dentoalveolar Restoration: Immediately Loaded Implants in Compromised Sockets (Quintessence Publishing, 2014), erschienen in Portugiesisch, Spanisch, Englisch und Mandarin. Er hat in zahlreichen Fachzeitschriften Beiträge veröffentlicht und hält sowohl auf nationaler als auch auf internationaler Ebene Vorträge über parodontale, prothetische und chirurgische Implantologieverfahren, darunter auch Vorträge in Übersee über die Technik der sofortigen dentoalveolären Restauration. Dr. Rosa führt eine Praxis für Prothetik, Parodontologie und chirurgische Implantologie in Caxias do Sul, Brasilien.


Dr. Luca De Stavola DMD

Italien, Padova

Luca De Stavola bekleidet die Position des Gastprofessors für Parodontologie und Dozenten für den Masterstudiengang Osseointegrierte Implantologie an der Universität Padua (Italien). Nach seinem Abschluss im Jahr 2001 an der zahnmedizinischen Fakultät der Universität Padua (Italien) erlangte Luca De Stavola seine Spezialisierung in Oralchirurgie im Jahr 2007 an der „Privatzahnklinik Schloss Schellenstein“ (Westfalen-Lippe, Deutschland) unter der Leitung von Prof. F. Khoury; im selben Jahr schloss er den Masterstudiengang in Oralmedizin mit Schwerpunkt Implantologie an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität in Münster (Deutschland) ab. Als international anerkannter Redner für seinen interdisziplinären Ansatz zwischen Parodontologie und restaurativer Chirurgie ist Luca De Stavola Autor mehrerer, durch Peer-Review geprüfter Forschungsarbeiten und aktives Mitglied der SIO (Italienische Vereinigung für Osseointegrierte Implantologie) und der EAO (Europäische Akademie für Osseointegration) und gilt weithin als einer der aufstrebendsten italienischen Referenten im Bereich der Knochenrekonstruktion und des Weichgewebemanagements. Seine neuesten Veröffentlichungen und Kurse konzentrieren sich auf computergeführte Knochenchirurgie und optimales Weichgewebemanagement.


Dr. Ueli Grunder DMD

Schweiz, Zürich

Dr. Ueli Grunder ist Fachzahnarzt für rekonstruktive Zahnmedizin (Spezialistenstatus SSRD) und hat den Spezialistenausweis (WBA) in oraler Implantologie. Die zusammen mit Thomas Gaberthüel gegründete Praxis in Zollikon-Zürich führt er heute mit David Schneider und Jörg Michel. In seiner internationalen Vortragstätigkeit und diversen Publikationen befasst er sich mit den chirurgischen und prothetischen Aspekten der Implantologie. Sein Buch "Implantate in der ästhetischen Zone" wurde 2015 im Quintessenz Verlag publiziert und wurde bereits in 11 Sprachen übersetzt. Dr. Ueli Grunder ist Past-Präsident der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Implantologie (SGI) und der European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED).


Dr. Jaime Lozada DMD, DDS, DABOI

Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Loma Linda

Dr. Lozada is professor and director of the Advanced Education Program in Implant Dentistry at Loma Linda University, School of Dentistry where he also received his Certificate in Implant Dentistry (87) and Prosthodontics (95). He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Implant Dentistry, past president of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry and a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Oral Implantology.


Dr. med. dent. Aušra Ramanauskaitė PhD, MSc, DDS

Deutschland, Frankfurt

Ausra Ramanauskaite completed the dental education (DDS) (2006–2011) and specialization in periodontology (MSc) (2011–2014) at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Lithuania. In 2016, she was awarded a one-year Osteology Foundation research scholarship at the Oral Surgery Department, University of Düsseldorf, Germany. She received the PhD degree in 2018 and Dr. med.dent in 2019. Currently, Ausra Ramanauskaite is working at the Oral Surgery and Implantology Department at Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany. Ausra has authored international peer-reviewed publications and is active in the research field of peri-implant pathology, bone and soft tissue regeneration.



Prof. Dr. Frank Schwarz

Deutschland, Frankfurt

Frank Schwarz ist Fachzahnarzt für Oralchirurgie und Direktor der Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Chirurgie und Implantologie am Carolinum der Goethe Universität in Frankfurt am Main. Er ist Associate Editor des Journal of Clinical Periodontology und Editorial Board Member von Clinical Oral Implants Research. Neben dem André Schröder Research Prize (2007) erhielt er 2012 den Miller Preis – die höchste wissenschaftliche Auszeichnung der deutschen Gesellschaft für Zahn- Mund- und Kieferheilkunde (DGZMK) sowie 2017 den international renommierten Jan Lindhe Award der Sahlgrenska Academy der Universität Göteborg.



Dr. Istvan Urban DMD, MD, PhD

Ungarn, Budapest

Dr. Urban erhielt seinen DMD-Abschluss und anschließend seinen MD-Abschluss an der Semmelweis University School of Medicine and Dentistry (Budapest, Ungarn) in den Jahren 1991 und 1996. Er absolvierte ein Vollzeitstudium der Oralchirurgie am St. Istvan Hospital in Budapest, Ungarn (1992-1996). Sein Praktikum in Parodontologie absolvierte er an der UCLA. Nach Abschluss des Fellowship-Programms (1999-2000) in Implantologie an der Loma Linda University in Loma Linda, Kalifornien, wurde er im folgenden Jahr zum Assistenzprofessor ernannt. Dr. Urban unterrichtet Implantologie im Rahmen des Graduiertenprogramms der Loma Linda University. Er ist im Staat Kalifornien (USA) zugelassen und hat eine Privatpraxis in Budapest, Ungarn. Dr. Urban promovierte 2012 in Parodontologie an der Universität von Szeged, Ungarn. Derzeit ist er Honorarprofessor an der Universität von Szeged. Dr. Urban ist Vorstandsmitglied der Osteology Foundation und hat wissenschaftliche Artikel und Fachbücher über Knochenregeneration und rekonstruktive Weichgewebschirurgie bei Zahnimplantaten veröffentlicht.


Prof. Dr. Giovanni Zucchelli DDS, PhD

Italien, Bologna

1988: Abschluss in Zahnmedizin und Prothetik an der Universität Bologna. 1999: Doktor in Medizinischer Biotechnologie an der Universität Bologna. Seit 2000: Professor für Parodontologie an der Universität Bologna. Auszeichnungen für klinische Forschung in der Parodontologie in Europa und den USA. Aktives Mitglied der Società Italiana di Parodontologia e Implantologia, Mitglied der European Federation of Periodontology und der American Academy of Periodontology. Mitglied des Editorial Board des European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry. Autor von mehr als 100 Artikeln in italienischen und internationalen Fachzeitschriften. Referent bei wichtigen italienischen und internationalen Kongressen zur Parodontologie.Koautor zweier Atlanten zur plastischen Parodontalchirurgie. Koautor des Kapitels Mucogingival therapy – periodontal plastic surgery in: Lindhe J, Lang NP, Karring T (Hrsg.). Clinical periodontology and implant dentistry.


Dr. Otto Zuhr

Deutschland, München

Dr. Otto Zuhr genießt internationales Renommee für seine Leistungen in den Bereichen parodontale und peri-implantäre Erkrankungen sowie ästhetische Zahnfleischkorrekturen. Zusammen mit Prof. Hürzeler verfasste er 2011 ein Fachbuch, das laut Kollegen "ohne Zweifel eine der wichtigsten oralchirurgischen Publikationen der letzten Jahre und ein Muss für jeden Parodontologen und Implantologen ist". Otto Zuhr studierte Zahnmedizin in Aachen und in den USA. Er ist Spezialist für Parodontologie und seit 2007 Vorstandsmitglied der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Parodontologie.


Urban Regeneration Institute
Pitypang u. 7
1025 Budapest
Tel.: +36 1 200 0898
E-Mail: levi@implant.hu
Web: https://implant.hu/en/

Unsere Empfehlungen

Istvan Urban

Vertical 2: The Next Level of Hard and Soft Tissue Augmentation

1. Auflage 2022
Hardcover, 21 x 28 cm, 560 Seiten, 2050 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorien: Implantologie, Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie

ISBN 978-1-78698-108-0
QP Deutschland

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