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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Keith Horner / Nicholas Drage / David Brettle

Twenty-First Century Imaging

Serie: QuintEssentials of Dental Practice, Volume 28
1st Edition 2008
Hardcover, 184 páginas, 204 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categorías: Radiología y fotografía, Odontología en general

Nº de stock: BL057
ISBN 978-1-85097-097-2
QP United Kingdom

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Imaging is a key part of clinical practice. To maximise the potential benefit to their patients, dentists need to have an understanding of how imaging systems work. In the 21st century, we are faced with major technological developments in radiology, of which many dentists will be unfamiliar. This book aims to address these challenges by providing a comprehensive introduction to state-of-the-art dental imaging, in particular to the complexities of digital radiology and the advanced techniques available for cross-sectional imaging.

Chapter 01. The Historical Perspective
Chapter 02. Intraoral X-ray Equipment and Imaging
Chapter 03. Panoramic Equipment and Imaging
Chapter 04. Conventional Image Receptors
Chapter 05. Digital Imaging
Chapter 06. Direct Digital Imaging
Chapter 07. Indirect Digital Imaging
Chapter 08. Image Storage and Handling
Chapter 09. Implant Imaging
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Cover, Horner/Drage/Brettle: Twenty-First Century Imaging
"21st Century Imaging is an essential text that the new GDP [general dental practitioner] is advised to acquire and read through a couple of times before making any decisions about equipping a surgery for imaging in primary dental care. The same recommendation applies to the established practitioner thinking of re-equipping, and to both old and new practitioners seeking to set up referral pathways."
Malcolm G. H. Bishop, MSc, BDS, LDS.; Primary Dental Care (October 2009)

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1st Edition 2003
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Este título está agotado. Pida el libro electrónico a través de los enlaces asociados.