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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Michael Glick (Editor)

The Oral-Systemic Health Connection

A Guide to Patient Care

2nd Edition 2019
Softcover, 17,1 x 24,1 cm, 384 páginas, 85 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categoría: Odontología en general

Nº de stock: B7888
ISBN 978-0-86715-788-8

$48.00 $5.00

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As the oral-systemic health connection continues to be the focus of an overwhelming amount of scientific literature, it is important for dentists to stay informed in order to be a reliable source of information for their patients regarding both oral and overall health. This second edition of The Oral-Systemic Health Connection: A Guide to Patient Care explores the connections between oral infections and systemic diseases/conditions, incorporating feedback from scientists, practitioners, and policymakers. In addition to updated chapters about cardiovascular disease, diabetes, inflammation, and adverse pregnancy outcomes, authors have contributed new chapters about antibiotic prophylaxis, the genomic connection, common risk factors, and the economic impact of this connection. Because interpreting this research can be challenging, new chapters about causal frameworks and biostatistical assessment have been added, and specific clinical considerations for providing dental care to patients with certain conditions have been included in selected chapters. Besides providing readers with up-to-date information on the complex connection between oral and general health, this book prepares oral health care professionals to critically read and evaluate new research to ultimately benefit their patients' overall health.

Chapter 01. Causation: Frameworks, Analyses, and Questions
Chapter 02. Essential Statistical and Research Design Elements to Help Critically Interpret the Literature
Chapter 03. The Traveling Oral Microbiome
Chapter 04. The Role of Inflammation in Oral-Systemic Interactions
Chapter 05. Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome, and Oral Health
Chapter 06. Associations Between Periodontal Disease and Hyperglycemia/Diabetes
Chapter 07. The Cardiovascular System and Oral Infections
Chapter 08. The Association Between Oral Infections and Renal Disease
Chapter 09. The Association Between Oral Infections and Pulmonary Disease
Chapter 10. Periodontal Infections and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes
Chapter 11. Oral Infections and Cancer
Chapter 12. Oral Manifestations of Systemic Diseases
Chapter 13. Oral Complications in the Immunocompromised Patient: The Oncology Prototype
Chapter 14. Oral-Systemic Health: The Genomic Connection
Chapter 15. Common Risk Factors: The Link Between Oral and Systemic Disease
Chapter 16. Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Patients at Risk for Infective Endocarditis
Chapter 17. Oral-Systemic Connection: The Salivaomics and Exosomics Connection
Chapter 18. The Economic Impact of Periodontal Inflammation

Michael Alfano • Yiorgos A. Bobetsis • Wenche S. Borgnakke • Ilene Fennoy • Marcelo Freire • Robert J. Genco • Michael Glick • Filippo Graziani • Barbara L. Greenberg • Effie Ioannidou • Karolina Elżbieta Kaczor-Urbanowicz • Karren Komitas • Ira B. Lamster • Nadia Laniado • Peter B. Lockhart • Dominique S. Michaud • Taichiro Nonaka • Panos N. Papapanou • Douglas E. Peterson • John R. Shaffer • Maurizio S. Tonetti • Thomas E. Van Dyke • Alessandro Villa • Robert J. Weyant • David M. Williams • David T.W. Wong • Sook-Bin Woo
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Cover, Glick: The Oral-Systemic Health Connection, 2nd Edition

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