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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Rodney D. Phoenix / David R. Cagna / Charles F. de Freest

Stewart's Clinical Removable Partial Prosthodontics

4th Edition 2008
Hardcover, 518 páginas, 1316 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categorías: Prótesis, Tecnología odontológica, Literatura para los estudios

Nº de stock: B4856
ISBN 978-0-86715-485-6

$78.00 $20.00

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The fourth edition of this classic prosthodontic textbook features a new chapter on implant-assisted removable partial dentures as well as a description of the Prosthodontic Diagnostic Index. As before, the text provides an overview of removable partial denture service in contemporary dental practice with an emphasis on clinical and design aspects. Clinical topics range from examination and treatment planning to mouth preparation and prosthesis placement. Common design philosophies are discussed, and a step-by-step method for partial denture design is presented. Also included are alternative removable partial denture therapies such as Swing Lock, dual path, and attachment-type prostheses. To facilitate visualization and understanding, the text is accompanied by numerous illustrations. Like those that came before it, this edition is intended to help the student, the general practitioner, and the specialist consistently provide high-quality prosthodontic treatment for their patients.

Chapter 01. Introduction and Classification
Chapter 02. Major Connectors, Minor Connectors, Rests, and Rest Seats
Chapter 03. Direct Retainers, Indirect Retainers, and Tooth Replacements
Chapter 04. Mechanical Principles Associated with Removable Partial Dentures
Chapter 05. The First Diagnostic Appointment
Chapter 06. The Second Diagnostic Appointment
Chapter 07. Survey and Design
Chapter 08. I-bar Removable Partial Dentures
Chapter 09. Implant-Assisted Removable Partial Dentures
Chapter 10. Mouth Preparation and Master Cast
Chapter 11. Laboratory Procedures for Framework Construction
Chapter 12. Fitting the Framework
Chapter 13. Special Impression Procedures for Tooth-Tissue-Supported Removable Partial Dentures
Chapter 14. Establishing Occlusal Relationships
Chapter 15. Try-In and Completion of the Partial Denture
Chapter 16. Delivering the Removable Partial Denture
Chapter 17. Postinsertion Observations
Chapter 18. Maintenance and Repair of Removable Partial Dentures
Chapter 19. Interim, Transitional, and Treatment Prostheses
Chapter 20. Other Forms of Removable Partial Dentures
Chapter 21. Attachments for Removable Partial Dentures

James S. Brudvik • Raymond G. Koeppen • Michael A. Mansueto • Patrick A. Mattie • Thomas R. Schneid • Ronald G. Verrett

Rodney D. Phoenix DDS, MS, FACP

Estados Unidos de América

David R. Cagna DMD, MS, FACP

Estados Unidos de América

Charles F. de Freest DDS, FACP

Estados Unidos de América
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Cover, TIFF (CMYK)
"This text will prove to be a much referred-to resource for removable partial prosthodontics. It is appropriate reading for anyone involved in the field, from novice to seasoned practitioner."
William J. Maloney, DDS; The New York State Dental Journal (January 2009)

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