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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Daniele Cardaropoli / Paolo Casentini

Soft Tissues and Pink Esthetics in Implant Therapy

1st Edition 2019
Hardcover, 22,3 x 30,3 cm, 528 páginas, 3503 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categorías: Odontología estética, Implantología, Cirugía oral, Prótesis

Nº de stock: B8151
ISBN 978-0-86715-815-1

$348.00 $48.00

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Each chapter of this highly practical guide begins with a question-and-answer section that addresses clinicians' most frequently asked questions: Why are "pink esthetics" the most important factor in determining a good treatment outcome? When is immediate postextraction implant placement preferable, and when is it safer to carry out preservation or augmentation of the ridge? When and how can a keratinized tissue band be properly reconstructed or peri-implant soft tissues be augmented? How are peri-implant esthetic complications treated? Citing from the literature, the authors review the prevailing best evidence to provide guidelines for treatment. With more than 90 clinical cases demonstrating a wide range of therapeutic needs, the authors explore compelling case examples to provide step-by-step analysis of techniques and explain the best treatment options in different clinical scenarios. This book offers answers to dilemmas that every clinician faces in daily practice and outlines clear strategies for achieving optimal treatment results.

Chapter 01. Quality and Quantity of Peri-implant Soft Tissue
Chapter 02. Spontaneous Healing of the Socket After Extraction and Alveolar Ridge Remodeling
Chapter 03. Decision-Making Criteria in Socket Management After Extraction
Chapter 04. Immediate Postextraction Implant Placement
Chapter 05. Alveolar Ridge Preservation and Augmentation
Chapter 06. Periodontal Plastic Surgery to Optimize Soft Tissues at Peri-implant Sites
Chapter 07. Peri-implant Keratinized Tissue Augmentation
Chapter 08. Esthetic Augmentation of Peri-implant Soft Tissues
Chapter 09. Peri-implant Soft Tissue Conditioning Using Restorations
Chapter 10. Orthodontic Development for Implant Sites
Chapter 11. Treatment of Esthetic Failures in Implant Dentistry

Dr. Daniele Cardaropoli DDS

Italia, Torino

Daniele Cardaropoli, DDS, is adjunct professor in periodontology at the University of Catania, scientific director of ProEd Institute for Professional Education in Dentistry in Torino, Italy, and president of the Giuseppe Cardaropoli Foundation for Research and Care in Periodontology. He is an active member of several organizations and recipient of several awards, including the Henry M. Goldman Award for the Clinical Research. Dr Cardaropoli is the author of more than 30 articles published in peer-reviewed international journals and coeditor of the textbook Soft Tissues and Pink Esthetics in Implant Therapy (Quintessence, 2019). He maintains a private practice in Torino, Italy.


Dr. Paolo Casentini

Italia, Milano

Paolo Casentini teaches postgraduate courses in oral implantology and oral surgery at the University of Milan in Italy. He is fellow and chairman of the Italian section of the ITI, an active member of the Italian Academy of Osseointegration (IAO) and a member of SIdP. Paolo Casentini is author or coauthor of several scientific papers about implantology and regenerative surgery published on peer-reviewed international journals. He has contributed as author or coauthor to 10 textbooks about implantology, pre-implant surgery and oral surgery; some of which have been translated in several other languages. He is also coauthor of the ITI Treatment Guide volume 4, which has been translated into 9 languages. His main fields of interest are the surgical and prosthetic aspects of implantology and periodontology in advanced and esthetically demanding cases. He has extensively lectured on these topics during international congresses and courses in 35 different countries.

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Cover, Cardaropoli/Casentini: Soft Tissues and Pink Esthetics in Implant Therapy

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