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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Douglas A. Terry


Your Guide to Esthetic Dental Treatment

1st Edition 2014
Hardcover, 54 páginas, 131 en color
Idioma: Inglés
Categorías: Odontología estética, Educación del paciente

Nº de stock: B6676
ISBN 978-0-86715-667-6

$30.00 $10.00

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Many patients are unaware of the wide range of treatment options available for esthetic dental restoration and enhancement, and it is often difficult for them to visualize the change that is possible with such treatment. This book presents full-page images to show how various areas of the mouth can be restored and transformed to make the smile more esthetic. Before-and-after photographs of exceptional quality reveal the significant improvements that are possible with procedures as simple as crown lengthening, composite restoration, or veneers. Other topics include all-ceramic crowns, fixed partial dentures, connective tissue grafting, implant therapy, and esthetic contouring. The author also addresses tooth fracture and diastema closure, missing teeth, noncarious lesions, sealants, interproximal restoration, inlays and onlays, minor orthodontics, bleaching, and root canal therapy. Smile! Your Guide to Esthetic Dental Treatment is the perfect tool for showing patients how they can benefit from esthetic dental treatment.

Dr. Douglas A. Terry DDS

Estados Unidos de América, Houston, TX

Douglas A. Terry, DDS, holds positions as an adjunct professor in the department of restorative sciences at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and professor emeritus in the department of conservative dentistry and endodontics at the V.S. Dental College & Hospital, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences in Bangalore, India. He has authored several hundred scientific articles and textbooks, including Restoring with Flowables (Quintessence, 2016), Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry: Material Selection and Technique, Third Edition (2018), and Restoring the Intraradicular Space: Esthetic Post Systems (2021). He has lectured nationally and internationally on various subjects in restorative and esthetic dentistry and is a dental materials clinical research consultant for industry manufacturers. Dr Terry is founder and CEO of the Institute of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry and a member of Oral Design International. He maintains a private practice in Houston, Texas.

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