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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Mario Luiz Zuolo / Daniel Kherlakian / José Eduardo de Mello jr. / Maria Cristina Coelho de Carvalho / Maria Inês Ranazzi Cabral Fagundes

Reintervention in Endodontics

1st Edition 2014
Hardcover, 332 páginas, 1367 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categoría: Endodoncia

Nº de stock: BR015
ISBN 978-85-7889-042-1
QP Deutschland

$180.00 $20.00

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The days of compromised retreatment are over. This book helps practitioners navigate each stage of endodontic retreatment successfully, from understanding the indications for retreatment to optimal reobturation of the canal. Written by a team of experienced specialists, this exceptional textbook explores the various options and approaches for retreatment and relies on evidence from the literature and experience from clinical practice to make recommendations for the most predictable protocols and techniques. The authors present the parameters for initial success in endodontic treatment and discuss the latest materials, tools, and technologic resources for use in endodontic retreatment. They cover the management of complications, including optimal techniques for correction of canal access and locating canals, even those that are calcified.

Chapter 01. Endodontic Reintervention: Selection of Non-Surgical Cases
Chapter 02. Technological Advances in Endodontics
Chapter 03. Reintervention: Access Stage I
Chapter 04. Reintervention: Access Stage II
Chapter 05. Reintervention: Filling Material Removal Stage I-Removing Gutta-Percha
Chapter 06. Reintervention: Filling Material Removal Stage II-Removal of Solid Materials
Chapter 07. Reintervention: Root Canal Repreparation Stage
Chapter 08. Reintervention: Stage of Refilling the Canal System
Chapter 09. Management of Procedural Mishaps
Chapter 10. Reintervention in Special Cases
Chapter 11. Restoration After Reintervention
Chapter 12. Natural Teeth Versus Implants

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