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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Iwao Hayakawa

Principles and Practices of Complete Dentures

Creating the Mental Image of a Denture

1st Edition 1999
Hardcover, 255 páginas, 714 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categorías: Tecnología odontológica, Prótesis

Nº de stock: BJ002
ISBN 978-4-87417-607-8
QP Japan

$135.00 $10.00

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The widespread perception that constructing well-fitting complete dentures is simply too difficult is challenged by the innovative and time-tested approach presented in this book. The guiding philosophy behind this procedural atlas is the author’s belief that visualization of form is an essential first step in proper denture design, without which a denture will fail to function satisfactorily. An abundance of color photographs enhances this highly detailed guide to the technical procedures involved in denture construction, and the book is highlighted by practical clinical tips that the author has accumulated through his many years of making complete dentures.

Chapter 01. Examination and Preparation for Treatment
Chapter 02. Making the Impressions
Chapter 03. Recording the Jaw Relations
Chapter 04. Arranging the Artificial Teeth
Chapter 05. Try-in of the Dentures
Chapter 06. Designing the Polished Surface
Chapter 07. Correcting the Occlusion
Chapter 08. Denture Insertion and Subsequent Oral Examinations
Chapter 09. Clinical Procedure
Appendix: Application of Soft Denture Lining Materials