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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Enosakhare S. Akpata

Principles and Practice of Operative Dentistry

A Modern Approach

1st Edition 2013
Hardcover, 264 páginas, 441 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categoría: Prótesis

Nº de stock: BG107
ISBN 978-1-85097-254-9

$98.00 $5.00

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Operative dentistry has witnessed tremendous changes in the past few decades, and the management of dental caries is undergoing a paradigm shift. This book incorporates the latest developments with the best practices in operative dentistry to equip novice dental students with the essentials of clinical practice. Topics include caries management based on the medical model, ergonomic clinical setting for operative dental practice, expanded and updated information on tooth-colored restorations, and current bonding techniques. The authors address each topic in full, outlining the underlying principles and providing step-by-step techniques for each dental procedure. This concise, descriptive, and evidence-based textbook is a useful resource for students who are learning contemporary operative and restorative dentistry.

Chaper 01. Dental Caries
Chapter 02. Operative Dental Practice
Chapter 03. Instruments Used in Operative Dentistry
Chaper 04. Bonding to Enamel and Dentin
Chaper 05. Pulp Protection from Injury
Chaper 06. Direct Tooth-Colored Restorations
Chaper 07. Amalgam Restorations
Chaper 08. Management of Discolored Teeth
Chaper 09. Indirect Intracoronal Restorations
Chaper 10. Management of Root-Filled Teeth

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Cover, Akpata: Principles and Practice of Operative Dentistry: A Modern Approach