Serie: QuintEssentials of Dental Practice, Volume 15
2nd Edition 2017
Hardcover, 14 x 21 cm, 144 páginas, 89 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categoría: Cirugía oral y maxilofacial
Nº de stock: BL077
ISBN 978-1-78698-005-2
QP United Kingdom
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Control of anxiety and pain is fundamental to the practice of dentistry. This book examines the pharmacology and principles of safe sedation practice, basic physiology and anatomy of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, standards of good practice, and medicolegal considerations. Basic sedation techniques such as intravenous midazolam and inhaled nitrous oxide and oxygen are described in detail, and alternative techniques for special circumstances are also outlined. New to this edition is a chapter on general anesthesia that outlines the indications for its use in dental care as well as special considerations for the provider
Chapter 01. Historical Development of Conscious Sedation
Chapter 02. Basic Physiology and Anatomy: A Whistle-stop Tour
Chapter 03. Pharmacology
Chapter 04. Initial Assessment and Treatment Planning
Chapter 05. Equipment for Conscious Sedation
Chapter 06. Clinical Techniques
Chapter 07. Complications: Avoidance and Management
Chapter 08. Sedation in Special Circumstances
Chapter 09. General Anaesthesia
Chapter 10. Standards of Good Practice and Medicolegal Considerations
David Craig—Consultant, Honorary Senior Lecturer, Head of Sedation & Special Care Dentistry at Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, King's College London Dental Institute and Visiting Professor at the University of Portsmouth. David has over 30 years' experience teaching conscious sedation techniques to undergraduate students, dental and medical practitioners and has served on dental and multidisciplinary groups preparing guidelines for safe sedation practice.
Carole Boyle—Consultant and Honorary Senior Lecture at Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, King's College London Dental Institute. Carole has extensive clinical experience treating special care patients using both conscious sedation and general anaesthesia and in teaching special care dentistry, including sedation.