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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Naoshi Sato

Periodontal Surgery

A Clinical Atlas

1st Edition 2000
Hardcover, 448 páginas, 2820 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categoría: Periodoncia

ISBN 978-0-86715-377-4
QP Deutschland

Producto agotado.

Explores the multitude of options in periodontal surgery with an emphasis on contemporary regenerative procedures. Illustrated with the author's cases, the book elucidates clinically effective procedures step by step, with the author's clinical results compared to those of related studies. Exceptional clinical photographs and illustrations support the clear and concise explanations of procedures. Many detailed clinical cases illustrate therapeutic outcomes over time. Additionally, each surgical procedure provides highlighted, valuable key points and summary tables for at-a-glance understanding.

Chapter 1. Objectives and Techniques of Periodontal Surgery
Chapter 2. Increasing the Attached Gingiva
Chapter 3. Periodontal Regeneration Using Flap Curettage
Chapter 4. Periodontal Regeneration Using Guided Tissue Regeneration
Chapter 5. Guided Bone Regeneration
Chapter 6. Periodontal Plastic Surgery
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Cover, Sato: Periodontal Surgery

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