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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Nairn H. F. Wilson (Editor)

Minimally Invasive Dentistry

The Management of Caries

1st Edition 2007
Hardcover, 168 páginas, 170 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categorías: Interdisciplinar, Odontología restaurativa

Nº de stock: BL011
ISBN 978-1-85097-105-4
QP United Kingdom

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Compre este resultado en las siguientes editoriales:

Comprar en QP United Kingdom
Minimally invasive management of caries is critical to realizing the goal of giving patients teeth for life. The effective practice of modern caries management depends on a shift to a medical rather than a surgical approach to prevention and treatment, combined with good working knowledge and understanding of state-of-the-art materials and techniques. This multi-author book provides succinct, authoritative, evidence-based insight into the many, varied, recent developments in cariology, together with essential information and guidance of immediate practical relevance to the forward-thinking practitioner.

Chapter 01. Dental Caries, Minimally Invasive Dentistry and Evidence-based Clinical Practice
Chapter 02. Caries Prevention
Chapter 03. Bacterial and Enzymatic Tests
Chapter 04. The Diagnosis of Caries
Chapter 05. Assessing Caries Risk: The Cariogram Model
Chapter 06. Ozone, Remineralization, and Sealants
Chapter 07. Cavity Preparation
Chapter 08. Managing Exposed Dentine and Pulp
Chapter 09. Selection and Use of Restorative Materials
Chapter 10. Restorations in Clinical Service
Chapter 11. The Aging Patient
Chapter 12. The Future
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Cover, Wilson: Minimally Invasive Dentistry

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