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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
David Bartlett / David Ricketts

Indirect Restorations

Serie: QuintEssentials of Dental Practice, Volume 25
1st Edition 2007
Hardcover, 160 páginas, 312 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categorías: Prótesis, Tecnología odontológica

Nº de stock: BL056
ISBN 978-1-85097-078-1
QP United Kingdom

$29.00 $5.00

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This easy-to-digest book offers expert guidance in each of the procedures involved in preparing for and placing indirect restorations. Written for students and novices, it walks readers through the steps of tooth preparation, shade taking, fabrication of the provisional restoration, impression taking, assessment of the occlusion (with and without an articulator), and crown placement. Clinical advice and expert tips for managing each phase make this book a valuable adjunct to the training one receives in dental school.

Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Indications for Crowns
Chapter 3. Retention of Cores
Chapter 4. Choosing thr Right Crown
Chapter 5. Tooth Preparation
Chapter 6. Shade Taking, Provisional Crowns, Impressions and Cementation
Chapter 7. Managing the Occlusion
Chapter 8. Short Clinical Crowns
Chapter 9. When and How to Articulate
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Cover, Bartlett/Ricketts: Indirect Restorations
"As an overview of indirect restorations this book is excellent, and the clinical hints are invaluable. It gives the practitioner confidence to apply its teachings into practice and stimulates the reader to research further texts on this topic."
Rachel Smith; Australian Dental Association Victorian Branch (Newsletter 2008)

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