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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
William R. Laney (Editor)

GOMI, Glossary of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants

1. Auflage 2007
Libro, CD-ROM
Hardcover, 212 páginas, 190 en color
Idioma: Inglés
Categoría: Implantología

Nº de stock: BG065
ISBN 978-3-938947-00-5
QP Deutschland

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This useful glossary contains definitions and descriptions of more than 2,000 implant-related terms. For each term defined, its plural form and part of speech are given, as well as literature references when appropriate. A multitude of illustrations and photographs enhance understanding visually, and a searchable CD-ROM makes the glossary more convenient and easy to use.

The purpose of the glossary is to increase consistency in the implantrelated terminology used worldwide. It represents the necessary first step toward the broader goal of facilitating global exchange of knowledge in the burgeoning field of oral and maxillofacial implants.
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William R. Laney (Editor)

Glossary of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants (GOMI)

1. Auflage 2008
Libro, CD-ROM
Hardcover inkl. CD-ROM, 225 páginas, 199 ilustración
Idioma: Alemán
Categoría: Implantología

ISBN 978-3-938947-01-2
QP Deutschland

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