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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Lino Calvani

Fundamentals of Treatment Planning

Guidelines on how to develop, plan, write, and deliver a prosthodontic care project

1st Edition 2020
Hardcover, 21 x 28 cm, 308 páginas, 97 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categorías: Prótesis, Literatura para los estudios

Nº de stock: B7925
ISBN 978-0-86715-792-5


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This book is a comprehensive prosthodontic treatment guide that outlines and explains the various aspects and possibilities of medical and dental treatment planning as it exists today. The content is logically organized in a step-by-step manner and addresses a wide audience: prosthodontic specialists, graduates and postgraduate students, general practitioners, and specialists in other dental fields. Topics include the goals of treatment planning, prosthodontic tools, first meeting with the patient, diagnostics and prognostics, intraoral and extraoral physical examination, types and structure of prosthodontic treatment, the writing of a treatment plan, and more. All clinicians who organize prosthetic and reconstructive treatments in their daily work will benefit from this book.

Chapter 01. Past, present, and future of treatment planning
Chapter 02. Treatment planning management
Chapter 03. Prosthodontic tools for treatment planning
Chapter 04. Data, findings, and dental semiotics
Chapter 05. The first visit – diagnostics
Chapter 06. Diagnosis and prognosis
Chapter 07. Physical examination – Part I: extraoral examination
Chapter 08. Physical examination – Part II: intraoral examination
Chapter 09. Main clinical examination assessment questions
Chapter 10. The type and structure of prosthodontic treatments
Chapter 11. Treatment planning analysis of complex rehabilitations, Phase I: Diagnostics, consultations, and emergencies
Chapter 12. Treatment planning analysis of complex rehabilitations, Phase II: Prosthetic and restorative treatment
Chapter 13. Treatment planning analysis of complex rehabilitations, Phase III: Posttreatment care and recalls
Chapter 14. Treatment planning for the elderly and those with challenging health conditions
Chapter 15. How to write a prosthodontic treatment plan

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Cover, Calvani: Fundamentals of Treatment Planning

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