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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Bora Korkut

Esthetic Anterior Composite Restorations

Publicación prevista: enero 2025
1st Edition 2025
Hardcover; 23 x 31 cm; incl 31 Videos, 400 páginas, 1492 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categorías: Odontología restaurativa, Odontología estética, Odontología en general

Nº de stock: BG175
ISBN 978-1-78698-139-4
QP Deutschland

Producto en preparación.


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This book brings you the benefit of the author’s vast experience in the clinical application protocols and techniques for anterior direct composite restorations. A careful selection of photographs of cases and materials are supported with application videos of the restorative techniques. Clinical tips are included for both undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as for clinicians. The book aims to provide the reader with the ability to perform esthetic and long-lasting composite restorations in all types of anterior cases. A special chapter focuses on complications, reasons for failure, and related outcomes.

Chapter 01. Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
Chapter 02. Pre-Restorative Procedures
Chapter 03. Composite Material Selection
Chapter 04. Selection of Restorative Instruments
Chapter 05. Photopolymerization
Chapter 06. Composite Shade Selection
Chapter 07. Isolation of the Operating Field
Chapter 08. Preparation
Chapter 09. Adhesion
Chapter 10. Composite Layering
Chapter 11. Finishing, Surface Morphology, and Polishing
Chapter 12. Complications and Solutions


Assoc. Prof. Bora Korkut PhD

Turquía, Istanbul

Dr Korkut graduated from Marmara University Faculty of Dentistry in 2008 and completed his doctorate thesis and PhD in Restorative Dentistry at Marmara University Faculty of Dentistry Department of Dental Diseases and Treatments in 2015. He has worked as an academic at Marmara University Faculty of Dentistry Department of Restorative Dentistry since 2015, earning an Assistant Professor title in 2018 and an Associate Professor title in 2022. Dr Korkut has many national and international scientific publications about direct and indirect restorations, prerestorative clear aligners, tooth bleaching, clinical dental photography, tooth wear, CAD/CAM restorations, magnification in dentistry, and caries diagnosis and management. He has presented many scientific lectures in national and international dental meetings about dental photography, anterior/posterior composite and ceramic restorations, clear aligners, ICON therapy, tooth bleaching, tooth wear, and restoration complications since 2015. He is a certified Invisalign provider. He has participated as an instructor in more than 100 hands-on courses since 2015. He is a member of the GC Europe Restorative Advisory Board and the Bio-Emulation Group. He is also a key opinion leader and official international speaker of several leading international dental companies such as GC Corp, Hu-Friedy Group Europe, Tokuyama, Dentsply Sirona, Align Technology, Eighteeth, iVeneer, Polydentia, Ivoclar, Busch, and Horico.

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Cover, Korkut: Esthetic Anterior Composite Restorations

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