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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Johan Reyneke

Essentials of Orthognathic Surgery

3rd Edition 2022
Hardcover, 21,6 x 28 cm, 320 páginas, 1165 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categoría: Cirugía oral y maxilofacial

Nº de stock: B9561
ISBN 978-0-86715-956-1


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With contributions from Steven M. Sullivan

This long-awaited third edition of the author’s seminal text on orthognathic surgery includes not only a fresh new look and over a dozen new cases, but essential updates for anyone practicing orthognathic surgery. Though many of the surgical practices and techniques have not drastically changed since the previous edition, recent research has inspried new sections on airway management and orthoganthic surgery of the temporomandibular joint. The previous chapter on treatment of dentofacial deformities has now been split into two streamlined chapters on typical and complex dentofacial deformities to accommodate new cases and information, allowing a more user-friendly experience for the reader. Those familiar with the second edition will remember the illustrated step-by-step processes for patient evaluation, diagnosis, treatment planning, and surgical technique, and these vital resources have made into the new text as well. From the most basic bilateral sagittal split osteotomy to complex surgery involving three-dimensional analysis, movement, and rotation of both jaws, this book will help everyone from surgical residents to experienced clinicians in managing both children and adults with dentofacial deformities, improving both function and esthetics.

Chapter 1. Principles of Orthognathic Surgery
Chapter 2. Systematic Patient Evaluation
Chapter 3. Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
Chapter 4. Diagnosis and Treatment of Typical Dentofacial Deformities
Chapter 5. Diagnosis and Treatment of Complex Dentofacial Deformities
Chapter 6. Surgical Technique



Johan Reyneke BChD, MChD, FCMFOS (SA), PhD

Johan P. Reyneke, BChD, MChD, FCMFOS (SA), PhD, is currently the director of the Centre for Orthognathic Surgery at Mediclinic in Cape Town, South Africa. He holds professorships in the departments of oral and maxillofacial surgery at the University of the Western Cape in Cape Town, the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida, the University of Oklahoma in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León in Monterrey, Mexico. Dr Reyneke lectures extensively and has been an invited guest speaker at conferences on five continents. He has published several manuals on surgical technique, written chapters in several oral and maxillofacial surgery textbooks, has authored more than 65 peer-reviewed articles, and has authored and coauthored books on orthognathic surgery. Dr Reyneke has served on the national executive committee of the South African Society of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgeons for 14 years and was president for 4 years, and he maintained a private practice in Johannesburg, South Africa, for over 30 years.

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Cover, Reyneke: Essentials of Orthognathic Surgery

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