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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Brooke Blicher / Rebekah Lucier Pryles / Jarshen Lin

Endodontics Review

2nd Edition 2022
Softcover; 17.1 x 24.1 cm, 352 páginas, 237 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categorías: Endodoncia, Literatura para los estudios

Nº de stock: B8311
ISBN 978-0-86715-831-1


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The field of endodontics has seen significant developments since the first edition of this book was published in 2016. Evidence-based standards evolve as the literature changes, and practitioners must adapt their clinical practice accordingly. The second edition of this study guide—known in some circles as “The Orange Book”—has been updated based on new peer-reviewed journal articles, position statements, and guidelines, and revisions are reflected in the current treatment protocols for pulpal and periapical diseases as well as traumatic dental injuries, cracked and fractured teeth, and resorptive dental injuries. Each chapter concludes with an extensive bibliography of the scientific literature for further reference. Whether this book is supplementing your predoctoral or postdoctoral endodontics curriculum or guiding your self-study in general dental or specialty practice, know you will be at the forefront of the field.

Chapter 01. Evidence-Based Dentistry
Chapter 02. Microbiology
Chapter 03. Pulpal and Periapical Anatomy and Physiology
Chapter 04. Pulpal and Periapical Pathology
Chapter 05. Medicine and Pharmacology
Chapter 06. Diagnosis
Chapter 07. Diagnosis of Non-Endodontic Disease Entities
Chapter 08. Treatment of Pulpal and Periapical Disease
Chapter 09. Traumatic Dental Injuries
Chapter 10. Cracked and Fractured Teeth
Chapter 11. Resportive Dental Diseases
Chapter 12. Prognosis
Chapter 13. Complications


Dr. Brooke Blicher DMD, BA

Estados Unidos de América, White River Junction

Dr. Blicher joined Upper Valley Endodontics in 2009. She grew up in Florida and New Jersey, but was introduced to New England by her husband Gered, a native of northern Vermont. Dr. Blicher continues to teach at both Harvard and Tufts dental schools, and is on dental staff at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical center. An active researcher, Dr. Blicher has several publications in major dental journals, and most recently co-authored the textbook Endodontics Review: A Study Guide. Dr. Blicher completed the process of board certification in 2013, and is a diplomate in the American Board of Endodontics. She is a member of the American College of Dentists. Dr. Blicher is a co-founder of Pulp Nonfiction, an educational collaborative dedicated to the practical application of evidence-based endodontics techniques. She is active in organized dentistry both locally on the board of the  Grafton-Sullivan Dental Society, and on a national level with the  American Association of Endodontists. Dr. Blicher enjoys the full breadth of endodontic care, and she is  particularly interested in the diagnosis of painful conditions and  dental resorption, an area that she and Dr. Lucier have published on extensively.  She is adept in the management of  patient anxiety and  underlying medical complexities. In her spare time, Dr. Blicher is an avid runner, hiker and skier. She lives in Norwich with her husband, two children, and their basset hound, Milton



Rebekah Lucier Pryles DMD

Estados Unidos de América

Private Practice Limited to Endodontics
White River Junction, Vermont

Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Endodontics
Tufts University School of Dental Medicine

Clinical Instructor, Department of Restorative Dentistry and Biomaterials Sciences
Harvard School of Dental Medicine
Boston, Massachusetts


Jarshen Lin DDS

Estados Unidos de América

Director of Predoctoral Endodontics
Department of Restorative Dentistry and Biomaterials Sciences
Harvard School of Dental Medicine

Clinical Associate, Department of Sugery
Division of Dentistry
Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts

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Cover, Blicher/Pryles/Lin: Endodontics Review (2nd Edition)

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