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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Ulrike Uhlmann

Dentistry for Kids

Rethinking Your Daily Practice

1st Edition 2020
Hardcover, 21,6 x 27,9 cm, 200 páginas, 187 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categorías: Odontopediatría, Odontología en general

Nº de stock: B0134
ISBN 978-1-64724-013-4

$98.00 $25.00

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The practice of pediatric dentistry requires a broad knowledge of dentistry, orthodontics, nutritional sciences, and last but not least, psychology. The goal is to enable our young patients to live with the healthiest teeth possible, and this involves understanding how to embrace the opportunity, challenge, and responsibility of ensuring an ideal start for even the tiniest of our patients. This book presents the fundamentals of pediatric dentistry and explains how to incorporate them into an existing dental practice. Because parents are a crucial part of the equation, particular focus is given to educating and managing parents to be the best advocate for their children's oral health. While the book is a useful reference for everyday practice in terms of examination, diagnostics, and findings, it goes further to include tips on how to create a child-friendly environment, how to communicate with young patients, and how to handle difficult situations with uncooperative patients or parents. The second half of the book is given over to treatment considerations, spanning from preventive treatment like fluorides and sealants to filling and crown therapy. This final chapter also includes sections on antibiotic use, managing trauma, sedation, and other particular challenges in everyday practice. This book is an essential resource for anyone working with kids in dentistry.

Chapter 1. Introduction and Basics
Chapter 2. Successful Communication with Kids and Parents
Chapter 3. Educating Parents: Oral Hygiene and Prophylaxis
Chapter 4. Dental Examination and Tips for Increasing Compliance
Chapter 5. Diagnostics in Pediatric Dentistry
Chapter 6. Findings
Chapter 7. Treatment Considerations and Approaches


Dr. med. dent. Ulrike Uhlmann

Alemania, Leipzig

Dr. med. dent. Ulrike Uhlmann studied dentistry at the University of Leipzig and completed her doctorate at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz. She specializes in pediatric and adolescent dentistry and works in a family dental practice near Leipzig. As a mother of four children, she was personally confronted with the topic of oral restrictions for the first time when her first daughter was born in 2013. After her first parental leave, she began to deal more intensively with the topic professionally and completed further training with Dr. Zaghi and Dr. Ghaheri, among others. As interdisciplinary collaboration between speech therapists, midwives, and myofunctional therapists has always been a key aspect of her professional approach, the idea for this book was born of both a personal and professional passion. Dr. Uhlmann is an active member of the Leipzig Tongue Tie Network and works as an author and speaker alongside her work in practice.

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