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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Harald Ebhardt / Peter A. Reichart / Andrea-Maria Schmidt-Westhausen

Curriculum Spezielle Pathologie für Zahnmediziner

Serie: Curriculum
2nd revised Edition 2018
Softcover, 16,5 x 24 cm, 200 páginas, 226 ilustración
Idioma: Alemán
Categorías: Literatura para los estudios, Cirugía oral, Periodoncia

ISBN 978-3-86867-387-6
QP Deutschland


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The main purpose of this textbook is to present the current state of knowledge of oral diseases. It provides chapters on the theory of inflammation, tumors, and tumor-like lesions of the oral mucosa, diseases of the skin, which can also occur in a similar form in the oral mucosa, as well as systemic diseases, diseases of the salivary glands, dental and maxillary cysts, odontogenic tumors, and diseases of the bones. Oral diseases are presented by combining clinical images with imaging techniques and histopathologic findings.

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Cover, Ebhardt/Reichart/Schmidt-Westhausen: Curriculum Spezielle Pathologie für Zahnmediziner

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