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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Craig Barrington

An Atlas of Dental Vascularity & Innervation

1st Edition 2022
Hardcover, 22 x 25 cm, 144 páginas, 178 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categorías: Anatomía, Endodoncia, Odontología en general

Nº de stock: B1001
ISBN 978-1-64724-066-0


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Our understanding of internal dental anatomy has remained limited by our inability to see inside a tooth without sectioning it. However, for one dentist working to find a way to see inside a tooth, the answer was diaphanization. This atlas represents the breathtaking results of photographing human teeth that have been made transparent. Dr Barrington has learned as many diaphanization methods as possible to understand how, where, and why transparency can occur in a solid object and translate that to tooth structure. The images in this atlas showcase the internal anatomy of the teeth, with a special emphasis on the innervation and vascular structure and their distribution within the dentin chamber. For each image, the author follows a complex diaphanization method to make an extracted tooth transparent, before photographing the intact internal dental anatomy. Therefore, the images in this book display structures that have rarely been seen so clearly and in three dimensions, including the pulp chamber, apical anatomy, tooth channels, as well as pulpal pathology. This atlas pushes our understanding of internal dental anatomy and serves as an inspiration as to what one individual can do to advance knowledge within dentistry.

Chapter 1. The First Results
Chapter 2. Varied Outcomes and Exposures of the Vascularity of Human Teeth
Chapter 3. Apical Anatomy
Chapter 4. Channel Anatomy
Chapter 5. Dual Staining
Chapter 6. Early Work
Chapter 7. Pathology
Chapter 8. Raschkow Plexus


Craig Barrington DDS

Estados Unidos de América, Waxahachie

Craig Barrington, DDS, graduated summa cum laude in 1996 from the School of Dentistry at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. Microscopes and histology have always been an interest of his, but the first time he looked at a transparent human tooth, he knew that this would be a lifelong focus of his research. To this end, Dr Barrington has made it his mission to understand every diaphanization method that he has come across. Dr Barrington holds a patent in histology and multiple copyrights. He maintains a private practice in Waxahachie, Texas.

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Cover, Barrington: An Atlas of Human Dental Vascularity & Innervation

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