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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Stefano Inglese

Aesthetic Dental Strategies

Art, Science, and Technology

1st Edition 2015
Hardcover, 273 páginas, 762 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categorías: Odontología estética, Tecnología odontológica

Nº de stock: BI030
ISBN 978-88-7492-026-6
QP Italy

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In this beautifully illustrated volume, the author encourages readers to understand natural tooth forms through simple observation in order to create dental restorations that look natural in the context of the mouth, face, personality, and age of the specific patient being treated. The author focuses on the morphologic characteristics of teeth and their relationship to the surrounding structures, such as the lips and gingiva. The text also examines the tooth surface at the micro and macro levels and how its effects on light reflection can change the appearance, size, and morphology of teeth. All the phenomena and optical properties that must be understood and re-created in restorations in order to achieve lifelike results are analyzed, and a classification based on the shape and contour of the tooth is presented. Clinical cases provide practical application of these concepts.

• Observation of Nature
• Natural Phenomena
• Layering Technique
• Clinical Cases
• Aesthetic Integration


Stefano Inglese

After graduating in Dental Technology, Stefano Inglese has always shown interest in the exact aesthetic-functional reproduction of dental restorations. Thanks to countless courses and work experiences abroad with the best masters, technicians and clinicians, he has perfected his technique and his precision in aesthetics, function and biological integration. He is the owner of a dental laboratory in Pescina (Aq). He is an Oral Design member and an active member of the IAED. Stefano Inglese writes for national and international magazines in the sector, such as Quint. of Dental Technology as well as for Quint. Zahntechnik. He is co-author with Dr. Sclar in the book “Interdisciplinary Treatment Planning II”. He is an international speaker and collaborates with various clinicians from all over the world. He is the author of the book "Aesthetic Dental Strategies" available in Italian, English, Chinese and Russian.

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