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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Francesco Mannocci / Giovanni Cavalli / Massimo Gagliani

Adhesive Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth

Serie: QuintEssentials of Dental Practice, Volume 40
1st Edition 2008
Hardcover, 130 páginas, 266 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categorías: Endodoncia, Odontología restaurativa

Nº de stock: BL067
ISBN 978-1-85097-135-1
QP United Kingdom

$29.00 $5.00

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Dentine bonding systems, composite resins and fibre posts have widely replaced cast posts and amalgam as core materials; all-ceramic and composite crowns have also replaced metal ceramic crowns in many aesthetic cases. The aim of this book is to provide the general practitioner with some principles and techniques for the adhesive restoration of root filled teeth.

Chapter 01. The First Step: the Endodontic Treatment
Chapter 02. Adhesion and the Root-filled Tooth
Chapter 03. Crowning Root Canal Treated Teeth
Chapter 04. Fibre Posts
Chapter 05. Problem Solving in the Restoration of Teeth with Fibre Posts
Chapter 06. Understanding the Failure of Adhesive Restorations in Root Canal Treated Teeth
Chapter 07. Endodontic Retreatment of Teeth Restored with Adhesive Techniques and Fibre Posts
Chapter 08. The Restorability of Broken Down Teeth—the Decision-Making Process

Prof. Dr. Francesco Mannocci MD, DDS, PhD, FHEA

Reino Unido, London

Prof Francesco Mannocci (MD, DDS, PhD, FHEA) is a Specialist in Endodontics and Restorative Dentistry. He obtained his MD (Pisa, Italy, 1986) and DDS (Pisa, 1990) in Italy, and his PhD in Clinical Dentistry from King's College London in 2001. After having worked in private practice in Pisa for 18 years while collaborating with the University of Siena as a Visiting Professor he became Lecturer in Endodontology at King's College London in 2004, Senior Lecturer/Honorary Consultant in 2006, Head of Endodontology in 2008, and Professor of Endodontology at King’s College London in 2011. Prof Mannocci has authored more than130  papers in international peer reviewed journals. Prof Mannocci is Associate Editor of the International Endodontic Journal. Prof Mannocci has done research work on subjects including restoration of endodontically treated teeth, instrumentation techniques, dental anatomy, histology, endodontic radiology and endodontic microbiology.

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