Professor Hannes Wachtel received his dental degree in 1982 from the University of Tübingen. He followed a postgraduate training in Prosthodontics at the University of Southern California, and after that in Periodontology at the Free University Berlin. Subsequently he was elected as Associate Professor in Periodontology and obtained his PhD. Currently he holds a clinical professorship at the University of Berlin, Medicine Charité as well as at the University of Gothenburg, Sahlgrenska Academy. He is a member of various dental organizations including active member of European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED) and lectures nationally and internationally on periodontics, implantology and esthetics. He is author of over 100 scientific articles and has published numerous chapters in textbooks. Since 1994 he maintained a private clinic in Munich, together with Wolfgang Bolz, devoted to periodontology, implantology and restorative dentistry. In 2014, he and his partner founded the implaneo Dental Clinic, specialized in implant dentistry focusing on all‐on‐4 treatment concepts including rehabilitation with zygomatic implants.
Prof. Wagner is a specialist in OMF surgery, plastic surgery and the science of oral medicine, in particular questions of tumor biology, in plastic surgery with cleft lip and palates, functional tumor reconstruction as well as fundamentals of implantology and bone replacement.
1973: Geburt. 1995-2000: Studium der Zahnheilkunde an der Freien Universität Berlin. 2000: Assistenzzahnarzt in Privatpraxen. 2001-2003: dreijährige postgraduale parodontologische Ausbildung im DFG geförderten Graduiertenkolleg (Sprecher: Prof. Dr. Dr. J.-P. Bernimoulin) "Ätiopathogenese und Therapie der Parodontitis" an der Charite'-Universitätsmedizin in Berlin. 2004: Assistenzzahnarzt an der Klinik für Parodontologie, Endodontologie und Kariologie der Universitätskliniken für Zahnmedizin in Basel. 2005: Promotion (Prof. Dr. Norbert Suttorp) und Ernennung zum "Spezialisten für Parodontologie" der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Parodontologie (DGParo). 2006: Ernennung zum Oberarzt für Parodontologie an der Klinik für Parodontologie, Endodontologie und Kariologie an den Universitätskliniken für Zahnmedizin Basel (Leiter Prof. Dr. R. Weiger). Seit 2010: Ernennung zum Leiter des Weiterbildungs-Programmes in Parodontologie (Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Parodontologie - SSP/Schweizerische Zahnärztegesellschaft -SSO). 2010-2011: Forschungsaufenthalt in der Oralchirurgie an der Universität Birmingham (Leiter: Prof. Dr. Dr. T. Dietrich). 2012: Habilitation an der Universität Basel. 2014: wissenschaftliche Schwerpunkte: Diagnostik und (chirurgische) Therapie parodontaler Erkrankungen, orale Mikrobiologie, Tabakkonsum und parodontale Gesundheit.
Hom-Lay Wang, DDS., MSD., Ph D, Professor and Director of Graduate Periodontics at the University of Michigan.He has co-editor two textbooks, published more than 50 book chapters/invited reviews and more than 750 peer-reviewed scientific articles. Dr. Wang serves as a Co-Editor-in-Chief for Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, an Associate Editor for The IJOMI and IJOI.Dr. Wang is the recipient of many awards/honors including AAP Outstanding Educator Award (2017), AAP Distinguished Scientist Award (2017),AAP Master Clinician Award (2019), AAP Distinguished Service Award (2021), and AAP Clinical Research Award (2021).
Volker Weber, MDT graduated as Certified Dental Technician in 1987. From 1988 to 2009, he worked closely with the Department of Prosthodontics of RWTH Aachen University (Director: Professor Hubertus Spiekermann), especially in the field of oral implantology with special emphasis on the use of different implant systems. This cooperation intensified when he joined the Impladent dental laboratory at Aachen in 1992. In 1994 he passed the examination for Master Dental Technician in Cologne. Since 2005 he has been a consultant on implant-supported restorations for various institutions and has published articles on implant-supported superstructures. Since 2009 he has been continuing his cooperation with the Department of Prosthodontics, Oral Implantology and Biomaterials of RWTH Aachen University (Director: Professor Stefan Wolfart).
Dr. Peter Wetselaar, MSc, PhD, dentist and specialist in functional diagnostics and therapy of CMD and tooth wear, Chair in the Department and Clinic of General Dentistry, Academic Center for Dental Medicine Amsterdam (ACTA), Amsterdam/Netherlands