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Dr Jose Manuel Reuss graduated in dentistry from the University Complutense of Madrid, where he also obtained a Master´s Degree of Science. As a postgraduate in surgical implant dentistry at the University of California at Los Angeles, he was a recipient of a grant from the American Academy of Implant Dentistry for preclinical and clinical research. During his postgraduate research, he focused on bone regeneration with growth factor technologies. Dr Jose Manual Reuss’s clinical background both in implant surgery and prosthodontics has led him to develop a facially guided restoration concept. In particular, severe tooth wear or highly dysfunctional cases can benefit from the combination of digital protocols and a more traditional classical workflow. His current clinical and research foci relie on the integration of facial scanners into guided surgery systems, restorative protocols, and clinician-technician communication. As an affiliate member of the European Academy of Esthetics Dentistry, he is an enthusiast of multidisciplinary thinking and is therefore also a member of the Spanish Society of Prosthodontics (SEPES), the Spanish Society of Periodontics (SEPA), the Academy of Osseointegration (AO), and the European Academy of Osseointegration (EAO). Dr Jose Manuel Reuss is a Collaborating Professor in the Postgraduate Prosthodontics Department in the field of implant and restorative dentistry at the University Complutense of Madrid, the University of Leon, and at the Esthetic Dentistry Department at the University San Pablo CEU of Madrid. His current focus of research is digital implant dentistry and severe tooth wear with the aim to optimize diagnostic and treatment phases and engage the working team in research. His goal to simplify the communication between the team members of an integrated multifaceted treatment plan challenges Dr Reuss almost as much as his passion for sports in his personal life.