SuplementoPóster 2263, Idioma: InglésVilhena, Mafalda / Sardinha, Sara / Nemésio, Mafalda / Izidoro, Catarina / Alves, RicardoA female patient, healthy, non smoker, of 52 years olds, was referred to the periodontology department of I.U.E.M. to treat the bone defect on teeth 1.2, with probing pocket depth of 9 mm. A guided tissue regeneration was performed (GTR).
The GTR is a surgical procedure that uses a barrier membrane, on an infra bony defect to maintain a blood clot in a space, to allow the periodontal attachment cell's to grow. The membranes of equine origin are three-dimensional estrutures of collagen, that have their effectiveness for 3 or 4 months, which is the necessary time for periodontal regeneration. The use of cortical-spongy bone substitute of equine origin, plays an important role in maintaining space, preventing the collapse of the membrane. The infra-bony defect had a probing pocket depth superior to 5 mm and a wide radiographic defect angle (superior to 37 degrees). In the presence of wide defects, the use of bone substitute is necessary. A modified papilla preservation technique was made and used a internal horizontal mattress suture. Follow-up appointments were made and standardized periapical radiographs were obtained through the use of an individualized device (paralleliser). Almost total bone filling was observed after 6 months and reduction of the pocket depth to 4 mm.
The use of collagen membranes and corticocellular bone substitute of equine origin seems to be a viable alternative in the regeneration of infra-bony periodontal defects.
Palabras clave: biomaterials of equine origin, infra bony defects, guided tissue regeneration, periodontal surgery