ID de PubMed (PMID): 18560648Páginas 99-106, Idioma: InglésLander, Erika / Dietschi, DidierThe endocrown is a restorative option for endodontically treated teeth. It consists of a circular butt-joint margin and a central retention cavity inside the pulp chamber and lacks intraradicular anchorage. This article describes the rationale and clinical guidelines for the placement of endocrowns. In the case presented, 2 old amalgam restorations on mandibular molars were replaced with endocrowns made of pressed ceramics (Empress 2, Ivoclar) following endodontic and periodontal therapy. A composite resin base was also used to fill undercuts and ensure a correct design of the preparations, contributing to significant tissue preservation. The postoperative situation shows the potential of this restorative approach to provide adequate function and esthetics, as well as biomechanical integrity of structurally compromised posterior nonvital teeth. It also prevents interferences with periodontal tissues, thanks to a supragingival position of the restoration margins. The foundation of this technique is to use the surface available in the pulpal chamber to assume the stability and retention of the restoration through adhesive procedures. Guidelines for the preparation, as well as the decision for omitting a post, are dictated by the amount of remaining coronal substance. This technique represents a promising and conservative alternative to full crowns for the treatment of posterior nonvital teeth that require long-term protection and stability.
Palabras clave: adhesive posterior restoration, Empress 2, endocrown, nonvital teeth, pressed ceramics