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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Stefan Schultze-Mosgau / Friedrich Wilhelm Neukam / Gerd H. Basting

Treatment Concept for Extracting Impacted Lower Wisdom Teeth

31 Minutes

Category: Surgery
Language(s): English, German
Publication year: 1999
Video source: Oral Surgery
Series: Oral Surgery

The removal of retained mandibular third molars is one of the most commonly performed surgical procedures. Because of the close anatomic positional relationship of the third molars to the adjacent teeth and to the inferior alveolar nerve, there is a risk of damage to the surrounding structures during surgical removal. For uncomplicated removal, knowledge of the different retention forms and a suitable atraumatic operation technique is important. After the block anesthesia of the inferior alveolar nerve and the buccal nerve, the cutting direction must be determined so that a mucoperiosteal flap with vestibular stem can be lifted. After the lingual subperiosteal insertion of a rasp to protect the lingual nerve, the third molar is exposed by buccal osteotomy with ball-shaped hard metal burs as far as its largest circumference and removed by careful luxation movements.


  • Schematic and radiologic demonstration of the different retention forms of low retained third molars and illustration of the indications for removal
  • Preparation of treatment documents and an explanatory discussion showing potential complications
  • demonstration of the surgical procedure: local anesthesia, cutting direction, protection of the lingual nerve, osteotomy, stitching technique

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available since: July 16, 2008


Surgical Techniques for Closure of Oro-Antral Communications

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Length: 26 minutes
Production year: 1999
Language: English, German
Series: Oral Surgery
Category: Surgery
available since: July 16, 2008

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