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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Steffen Tschackert

The Tucker Inlay (Clinic and Laboratory)

35 Minutes

Category: Conservative Dentistry, Dental Technology
Language(s): English, German
Publication year: 1999
Video source: Quintessence Practice Live
Series: Quintessence Practice Live

Inlay preparation; Description of special preparation types; Forming the preparation margins; Impression-taking. Laboratory work: Model preparation; Mold preparation; Alloy selection; Wax model; Casting; finishing; Polishing. Chairside work: Mixing the cement; Phosphate cement application for permanent cementation; Border preparation; Polishing and high-gloss finish.

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Partial Denture with Milled Primary Porcelain Crowns and Electroformed Telescopic Copings

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Length: 28 minutes
Production year: 2007
Language: English, German
Series: Quintessence Practice Live
Category: Dental Technology
available since: March 28, 2007


Covering a Recession with a Soft Tissue Transplant

Bernd Heinz / Søren Jepsen

Length: 17 minutes
Production year: 2005
Language: English, German
Series: Quintessence Practice Live
Categories: Periodontics, Surgery
available since: March 28, 2007


Mechanical Root Canal Preparation (Flexmaster NiTi))

Christoph Zirkel

Length: 14 minutes
Production year: 2004
Language: English, German
Series: Quintessence Practice Live
Category: Endodontics
available since: March 28, 2007


WHO Recommendations: The Periodontal Screening Index (PSI)

Dieter Belz

Length: 8 minutes
Production year: 2004
Language: English, German
Series: Quintessence Practice Live
Category: Periodontics
available since: March 28, 2007


Restoration with cerec 3D Ceramic Inlays

Harald Steinbrenner

Length: 19 minutes
Production year: 2004
Language: English, German
Series: Quintessence Practice Live
Category: Conservative Dentistry
available since: March 28, 2007


Bone Transfer

Roland Streckbein

Length: 9 minutes
Production year: 2004
Language: English, German
Series: Quintessence Practice Live
Category: Surgery
available since: March 28, 2007

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Length: 16 minutes
Production year: 2012
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"Horizontale Defektrekonstruktion und simultane Implantation mit der modifizierten ""Double Layer""- Technik"

Marc Hürzeler

Length: 29 minutes
Production year: 2016
Language: German, English
Series: Dental Video Journal
Category: Periodontics
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