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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Bernd Stadlinger / Hendrik Terheyden

Cell-to-Cell Communication: Inflammatory Reactions (Expert Version)

Trailer | 15 Minutes

Category: Periodontics
Language(s): English, German
Publication year: 2012
Video source: Cell-to-Cell Communication
Series: Cell-to-Cell Communication
This is a trailer. To view the full video, please purchase it with the button below.

Visualizing the invisible while experiencing a fascination with science is the great challenge that Cell-to-Cell Communication, representing an all-new genre, has set out to meet. A spectacularly sophisticated computer animation in HD quality depicts the highly complex processes of intercellular interaction during an inflammatory periodontal reaction complete with the messenger molecules implicated. The various cell types constitute the main cast of the film, using a finely tuned communication process in their quest to destroy the bacterial invaders, with messenger molecules as supporting cast. A stunning didactic and dramatic experience!


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  • Gingivitis and the Innate Immune Defense
  • Periodontitis and the Adaptive Immune Defense
  • Cleaning and Regeneration

On This Film

Main Cast:
Epithelial cells, Macrophages, Granulocytes, Fibroblasts, Osteoblasts, Osteoclasts, Monocytes, T cells, B cells

Also Starring:
Factor C3b, Factor C5b, Defensins, Factor C3a, Factor C5a, Interleukin-1beta, Interleukin-6, Tumor necrosis factor-alpha, Histamine, Interleukin-8, RANK, Monocyte colony-stimulating factor, Osteoprotegerin, RANKL, Interleukin-17, Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, RANTES, VEGF, FGF

Project/Expert Team

Authors and Scientific Management: PD Dr. Dr. Bernd Stadlinger | Prof. Dr. Dr. Hendrik Terheyden

Advisory Board:
Prof. Dr. D. Cochran | Prof. Dr. J. Meyle | Prof. Dr. P. Preshaw | Prof. Dr. M. Sanz

Production Team:
Dr. Marko Reschke (iAS - Quintessence Publishing)
Matthias Gauer (iAS - Quintessence Publishing)
Thomas Kramer (iAS - Quintessence Publishing)

Project Management:
Alexander Ammann, Dr. rer. biol. hum., Dipl. Wirt. Ing. (Quintessence Publishing)

Microscopic Images, Osteoclasts in Situ:
Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Lambrecht

Concept, Storyboard, Programming, Production: 12 months

3D Software: Autodesk Softimage (3D), Autodesk Mudbox (3D), Adobe After Effects (Compositing)

3D Data and Animation: 330 GB 3D data, 400 GB (220.000 rendered individual frames)

Processing: 26 CPUs with 132 processor cores

Rendering power and duration: 370 GHz, 4 months

Length: 15 minutes

Purchase as DVD: Stadlinger: Cell-to-Cell Communication: Inflammatory Reactions

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