This study aimed to evaluate the bone dimensional changes associated with extraction sockets preserved with calcium phosphosilicate (CPS) morsels and platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) at 6 months posthealing. Thirty fresh extraction sockets were randomly allocated to one of the following groups and grafted using PRF: Control (n = 10), CPS morsels (Test I; n = 10), or CPS+PRF (Test II; n = 10). All sites were sealed with PRF as a socket seal. CBCT scans were taken at 1 week postsurgery and at 6 months posthealing. The intergroup comparison showed a statistically significant difference in mean horizontal bone dimensional changes, and no such significance was observed for vertical bone changes. Bone density measured using Hounsfield units (HU) fell within the range of 350 to 850 HU (D3 bone quality) at 6 months posthealing for all three groups. Within the limitations of this study, socket preservation using CPS morsels with and without PRF demonstrated more favorable conditions for future implant placement.