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  • KVM Verlag
Axel Kirsch / Karl-Ludwig Ackermann / Gerhard Neuendorff

3D planning and template-guided implant insertion in the edentulous jaw

Trailer | 43 Minuten

Rubrik(en): Implantologie
Sprache(n): Englisch, Deutsch
Publikationsjahr: 2012
Video-Quelle: Compendium Implant-Supported Restorations
Reihe: Compendium Implant-Supported Restorations
Sie sehen den Trailer. Um den gesamten Film zu sehen, erwerben Sie bitte einen Zugang über die verfügbaren Optionen unten.


  • Surgical procedures for anchoring a diagnostic guide
  • Inserting four provisional implants
  • Impression and bite registration, fabrication of the master cast
  • Tooth-setup for the temporary restoration
  • Registering the setup in a silicone index
  • Duplicating the setup in radiopaque resin for CT imaging
  • Implant planning using a 3D record of the CT image
  • Fabricating a transfer template based on the CAD treatment plan using the CAMLOG® Guide System
  • Inserting the guiding sleeves into the template
  • Fabricating the final restoration prior to inserting the implants
  • Vario SR abutments with Vario SR titanium copings for a passive fit
  • Fabricating a cast titanium framework to reinforce the restoration
  • Surgical procedures demonstrating the definitive implant insertion
  • Insertion of six implants for immediate loading
  • Providing a controlled-clearance fit between the implants and the denture base
Als DVD kaufen: Kirsch: Implantatprothetik / Implant-supported restorations

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