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  • KVM Verlag
Catherine Davies / Richard J. Miron (Hrsg.)

PRF in Facial Esthetics

1st Edition 2020
Hardcover, 21,6 x 27,9 cm, 248 Seiten, 380 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorie: Ästhetische Zahnheilkunde

ISBN 978-0-86715-957-8


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Facial esthetics has become one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. As the field continues to evolve and patients demand more and more of practitioners, it is clear that both the beginner as well as the advanced practitioner seek convenient, safe, and effective therapies, and this book provides just that. Written in collaboration with international experts from various fields of medicine, including basic scientists, clinician-scientists, experts in laser therapy and photography, as well as plastic surgeons and hair restorative surgeons, this book collectively offers a comprehensive approach to using platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) in facial esthetics. PRF has been used for decades in regenerative medicine, and slowly it has made its way into the medical esthetic arena, often used in combination with other leading therapies to support minimally invasive esthetic procedures. This book therefore starts at the beginning, first exploring the biology and anatomy of the skin and hair before turning to a discussion of photographic record-keeping and patient consultation. Then follow chapters on the biology of platelet concentrates and microneedling, skin and hair regeneration, lasers, and the use of PRF in plastic surgery. The final chapter looks to the future and considers what else could be possible. If you perform any facial esthetic procedures in your office or want to learn how, this book is a must.

Chapter 01. Introduction to Facial Esthetics and PRF
Chapter 02. Facial Anatomy and Biology and the Effects of Aging
Chapter 03. Photography in Facial Esthetics
Chapter 04. Consultation for the Facial Esthetic Patient
Chapter 05. Consultation for the Hair Loss Patient
Chapter 06. Use of PRF in Facial Esthetics
Chapter 07. Biology of Microneedling
Chapter 08. Injection Techniques with PRF
Chapter 09. Hair Regeneration with PRF
Chapter 10. Lasers in Facial Esthetics: Biologic Rationale and Clinical Indications
Chapter 11. Future Trends in Esthetic Medicine

Erin Anderson • Alan J. Bauman • Ana Cristina • Catherine Davies • Scott Delboccio • Ruth Delli Carpini • Masako Fujioka-Kobayashi • Nichole Kramer • Geir Håvard Kvalheim • Richard J. Miron • Carlos Fernando de Almeida Barros Mourão • Alireza Panahpor • Ana Paz • Walter Rozen • Harvey Shiffman • Miguel Stanley • Delia Tuttle • Yufeng Zhang


Catherine Davies

Catherine Davies, MBBCh, MBA, is a medical doctor practicing in Johannesburg, South Africa, with a special interest in esthetics, regenerative medicine, and hair restoration. She has over 14 years of experience in FUE hair transplant surgery. She is board certified in stem cell medicine from the A4M Academy in the United States. Dr Davies frequently lectures and trains on medical procedures and is passionate about medical education. She recently featured in and produced an international medical TV show called Outpatients, which is on its third successful season and airs in 180 countries. Her passion is to drive social change through the use of media. She is the proud mother of three children.


Dr. med. dent. Richard J. Miron DDS, MSc, PhD

Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Fort Lauderdale

Richard J. Miron, DDS, MSc, PhD ist derzeit der leitende Dozent und Forschungsleiter bei Advanced PRF Education und Gastdozent in der Abteilung für Parodontologie an der Universität Bern, Schweiz, wo er sein Promotionsstudium absolvierte. Er hat über 250 von Fachleuten begutachtete Artikel veröffentlicht und hält international Vorträge zu vielen Themen im Zusammenhang mit Wachstumsfaktoren, Knochenbiomaterialien und gesteuerter Knochenregeneration. Dr. Miron gilt weithin als einer der führenden Forscher in der Zahnmedizin und wurde laut einer unabhängigen Untersuchung von Expertscape als der bestbewertete Forscher für die PRF-Therapie im Jahr 2020 anerkannt. Außerdem wurde er kürzlich mit dem André-Schroeder-Preis des ITI, dem IADR Young Investigator of the Year im Bereich der Implantologie und dem IADR Socransky Research Award im Bereich der Parodontologie ausgezeichnet. Dr. Miron hat fünf Lehrbücher über regenerative Zahnheilkunde geschrieben, und er hat gerade erst angefangen.

Cover, Davies/Miron: PRF in Facial Esthetics

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