Ueli Grunder
Soft Tissue Management in Immediate Implantation in Region 21
Categoria: Implantologia
Lingua: Inglese, Tedesco
Anno di pubblicazione: 2007
Fonte del video: APW DVD Journal
Collana: APW DVD Journal
- Sounding
- Extraction of the tooth 21
- Drilling and implantation
- Soft tissue preparation (split flap technique / tunnelling technique)
- Harvesting of the soft tissue graft from the palatal region and immediate closure of the site
- Fixation of the transplant
- Application of the healing abutments
- Fixation of the transplant coronally
Thommen Medical Implant System: SPI Element 4,2x14, 4,5 Implant shoulder
Goretex 5,0, Premilene 7,0 Sutures
Thommen gingiva former