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  • Quintessence Publishing Italy
Iain Macleod / Alexander Crighton

Practical Oral Medicine

Collana: QuintEssentials of Dental Practice, Volume 10
1st Edition 2006
Hardcover, 164 pagine, 100 Foto
Lingua: Inglese
Categoria: Odontoiatria in generale

ISBN 978-1-85097-065-1
QP United Kingdom

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Oral medicine is a subject of increasing importance in dentistry, permeating virtually all areas of clinical practice. This book covers the main concepts of oral medicine in a practical manner, allowing the reader to develop an understanding of the investigation and management of the various nonsurgical conditions that can affect the oral tissues.

Chapter 01. Introduction and Oral Medicine in Clinical Practice
Chapter 02. Immunological Problems of the Oral Mucosa
Chapter 03. Lumps and Bumps
Chapter 04. Infections of the Oral Mucosa
Chapter 05. White Patches
Chapter 06. Oral Cancer and Premalignant Lesions
Chapter 07. Oral Pigmentation
Chapter 08. Disorders of Salivary Glands and Salivation
Chapter 09. Facial Pain
Chapter 10. Neurological Disorders of the Head and Neck
Chapter 11. Complementary Therapies in Oral Medicine
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Cover, Macleod/Crighton: Practical Oral Medicine