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  • Quintessence Publishing Italy
Luigi Canullo / Roberto Cocchetto / Ignazio Loi

Peri-Implant Tissue Remodeling

Scientific Background and Clinical Implications

1st Edition 2012
Hardcover, 168 pagine, 488 Foto
Lingua: Inglese
Categoria: Implantologia

ISBN 978-88-7492-166-9
QP Italy


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This multi-contributed textbook covers topics ranging from basic aspects of implant dentistry to advanced concepts such as platform switching, immediate implant placement, and the use of piezoelectric surgery for implant osteotomies. It begins with a review of the systemic, local, and surgical factors affecting bone remodeling. Next, flap design and peri-implant tissue stability are discussed in relation to the concepts of gingival biotype and biologic width. The novel concept of minimally invasive implant site preparation using piezoelectric surgical techniques is presented, followed by three chapters devoted to the theoretical and practical aspects of platform switching. Subsequent chapters address implant-abutment connection configurations and how they affect peri-implant bone remodeling as well as other prosthetic aspects of implant dentistry, including preparation design, finish lines, emergence profiles, and the shoulderless abutment. Bringing all of these concepts together, a comprehensive minimally invasive prosthetic protocol as well as a more specific shoulderless one-abutment protocol are described and illustrated with clinical cases. The final chapter examines plasma cleaning of titanium implants as a method of reducing osseointegration time and improving soft tissue response.

Chapter 01. Factors Affecting Peri-Implant Bone Remodeling
Chapter 02. Flap Design and Peri-Implant Tissue Stability
Chapter 03. Piezoelectric Bone Surgery
Chapter 04. Platform Switching
Chapter 05. Histologic Aspects of Platform Switching
Chapter 06. Biomechanical Aspects of Platform Switching
Chapter 07. Implant-Abutment Connections and Peri-Implant Bone Remodeling
Chapter 08. Abutment Morphology and Peri-Implant Soft Tissues
Chapter 09. The Role of Prosthetic Protocols in Peri-Implant Tissue Stability
Chapter 10. Future Perspectives: Plasma Cleaning

Luigi Canullo DDS, Phd

Italia, Rom

Laureato con lode presso l'Università degli Studi di Roma "Sapienza" nel 1994, sposta immediatamente la sua attenzione sull'approfondimenti delle tecniche chirurgiche in implantologia. Frequenta corsi post-laurea in Italia e all'estero (University of California, UCLA). 

Ottiene il PhD all'Università di Bonn. Relatore nazionale ed internazionale su temi inerenti l'aspetto chirurgico e protesico implantologia. Autore di oltre centonovanta articoli su riviste internazionali impattate sul tema dell'implantologia. È inoltre active member dell’European Accademy for Osseointegration (EAO). Dopo aver collaborato molti anni con l’università di Valencia (Spagna), è ora visiting professor all'Università di Berna (Svizzera) e professore di chirurgia ed implantologia all’università di Genova. 

È reviewer delle più prestigiose riviste internazionali dell’implantologia.

Nel 2008 ha vinto Best Clinical Presentation Award all'European Academy of Osseointegration (EAO). Vincitore del Premio Martignoni 2012 (Accademia Italiana di Odontoiatria Protesica).  Vincitore premio miglior articolo scientifico internazionale dell’anno 2013 e 2018 presso l’American Academy of Osseointegration. Vincitore per Best Clinical Presentation Award dell’Accademia Spagnola di Chirurgia ed Implantologia (SECIB, 2015). Vincitore dei premi per la ricerca clinica e di base presso la Societa Italiana di Osseointegrazione (SIO, 2016, IAO 2019)

Svolge la propria attività in Roma esclusivamente focalizzata alla chirurgia e alla riabilitazione protesica in implantologia.


Roberto Cocchetto DDS, MD


Laureato in Medicina e Chirurgia presso l’Università di Padova, si specializza in Odontostomatologia all’Università di Verona. La sua formazione procede con la partecipazione a programmi internazionali di aggiornamento in Protesi, presso l’USC – Università di Southern California di Los Angeles.
E’ stato docente in corsi universitari post laurea in implantoprotesi presso le Università di Udine e di Chieti e attualmente insegna al Master di 2° Livello in Implanto-Protesi Orale presso l’Università di Pisa. Svolge attività libero professionale e didattica a Verona limitatamente a protesi e implantologia. Su tali argomenti da diversi anni tiene corsi e conferenze a livello nazionale ed internazionale.


Ignazio Loi DDS, MD


Laureato in Medicina e Chirurgia e specializzato in Odontostomatologia e Protesi Dentaria presso l’Università di Cagliari.
Socio Attivo all’Accademia Italiana di Odontoiatria Protesica.
Esercita la libera professione a Cagliari.

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Cover, Canullo/Cocchetto/Loi: Peri-Implant Tissue Remodeling
"The authors of this book were incredibly thoughtful in their approach to presenting the evolving field of implant dentistry. Beginning in the first chapter, the reader is initially carried through the historical literature and the basic concepts of osseointegration, biologic healing, prosthetics, and biomechanical strain, so that the newer concepts, which follow in the book, are clear and easy to understand. The authors have subtlety built their argument for the advancements that have improved implant success. The structure of the sections includes summaries and tables that reinforce the fundamental criteria for modern dental implantology. Well-illustrated and photographed chapters help reinforce the succinct test and focus the reader's attention to the most important and salient concepts."
S. Yair Lenga, DDS, MSC, FRCD; Alpha Omegan (September 2012)

"With a forward by Professor Nicklaus P. Lang, this well-illustrated text, edited by 3 individuals, has contributions by 17 clinicians and researchers with a heading of the Barcelona Osseoingration Research Group. [...] Although a few chapters are brief, implant clinicians will never the less benefit from the extensive amount of valuable information contained within this book. Definitely it is a worthwhile addition to all implant dentistry libraries."
Avi Schetritt, DMD; Implant Dentistry (October 2012)

"Peri-Implant Tissue Remodeling is a concise, well-referenced text that covers the fundamentals, as well as the most current concepts, of implant dentistry. Surgeons and restorative dentists are often frustrated when restored implants fail to mimic the tooth and periodontal complex they're replacing. Readers will appreciate the authors providing a scientific framework for predictable clinical outcomes, with information and techniques that can help to prevent such issues."
Joseph L. Rumfola, DDS; The New York State Dental Journal (August/September 2012)