Servizio online
Lingua: Tedesco, Inglese
Categorie: Interdisciplinare, Odontoiatria in generale
QP Deutschland
Acquista questo prodotto presso i seguenti editori:
Acquista presso QP Deutschland Acquista presso QP United KingdomThe Flatrates E-Journals allow you to access the e-papers of our subscription journals.
Flat rate e-journals includes online access to the following English-language journals:
• Quintessence International
• International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry (English Edition)
• Journal of Aligner Orthodontics
• International Journal of Oral Implantology
• International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry
• The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants
• The International Journal of Prosthodontics
• International Journal of Computerized Dentistry
• Journal of Oral & Facial Pain and Headache
Flatrate E-Journals German (formerly Quintessenz Online Plus) includes online access to the following German-language journals:
• Quintessenz Zahnmedizin
• Quintessenz Zahntechnik
• Team Journal
• Endodontie
• Implantologie
• Parodontologie
• Kieferorthopädie
• International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry (German Edition)
• Journal of Craniomandibular Function
Flatrate E-Journals Premium includes online access to the English- and German-language journals listed above.
The online versions of the journals contain all articles as full text in the convenient PDF format. To open the files, please use Adobe Reader version 5 or higher, which is freely available at www.adobe.com.
All journal articles can also be printed. The integrated archive goes back to 2003, depending on the journal.
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