1st Edition 2022
ePub, 134 pagine, 4 Foto
Lingua: Inglese
Categorie: Interdisciplinare, Letteratura per lo studio
ISBN 978-1-64724-106-3
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There are many paths to a fulfilling dental career with a competitive salary and benefits as well as a satisfying work-life balance. Today’s dentists can excel in many fields outside of private practice—but only if you know what to look for. First, this guide refreshes the reader about best practices for navigating online job boards, writing standout application materials, and nailing an interview. Then the book explores the many rewarding fields outside of private practice, including community health, global health, academia, uniformed services, and large group practice. Finally, a chapter about emerging markets highlights other career sectors expected to see growth in the near future. Many chapters feature “spotlight” sections written by dentists with real-world experience sharing their insider knowledge of these fields. Whether you are a recent graduate or an established professional considering a mid-career transition, this book is a must-read to learn the ins and outs of these exciting new opportunities. The future is yours to make.
Chapter 1. It’s Your Future
Chapter 2. Search Strategy
Chapter 3. Community Health Is the Future
Chapter 4. Global Health
Chapter 5. Academic Careers
Chapter 6. Uniformed Services
Chapter 7. Large Group Practice
Chapter 8. Emerging Markets
Group Director, General Clinic
Academic Administrator, Division of Restorative Dentistry
School of Dentistry
University of California, Los Angeles