Poster 504, Lingua: IngleseArdelean, Lavinia Cosmina / Reclaru, Lucien / Rusu, Laura-CristinaThe objective of this study is to verify if the new generation of cobalt-chromium (Co-Cr) alloys enriched with precious metals (Au, Pt, Ru), now coming on the market are characterized by improved corrosion resistance, compared to "classic" Co-Cr alloys.
The study was carried out on four different commercial Co-Cr alloys enriched with precious metals. Alloys no.1 and no.4 contain only Au (2%), no. 2 Au and Pt (4%), no.3 Pt and Ru (25%). Before electrochemical testing, the alloys were analyzed micrographically, analysis of phases by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) was carried out and hardness properties were also tested. Electrochemical measurements were conducted in artificial saliva of the Fusayama type (deaerated with nitrogen, temperature 37°C, pH=5) using the rotating electrode technique.
The microstructures of alloys no.1 and no.4 exhibited round "inclusions" with a diameter up to 0.1 mm. The chemical analysis of these zones showed of In (42-51%), Pt (arround 28%) and Au (18- 27%). The Vickers tests of such zones for no. 4 gave a mean hardness value more than twice lower (147 HV) compared to the overall hardness value of the alloy (326 HV). The potentiodynamic curves reveal important differences in the behaviour of the studied alloys as compared to the conventional Co-Cr alloy. The worst behaviour was given by the alloys containing only Au (no.1 and no.4).
Alloys no.1 and no.4 showed a very complex microstructure compared to the other studied alloys. The round "inclusions" are in part non miscible phases with a very low corrosion resistance. Au is not miscible to Co and Cr. From the point of view of corrosion behaviour, the classical Co-Cr alloy is the best material followed by the alloys no.2 and no.3. The worst alloys are no.1 and no.4 (with only addition of 2% Au). Scientifically speaking Co-Cr dental alloys enriched with precious metals is a non-sense.
Parole chiave: cobalt-chromium dental alloys, precious metals
Poster 505, Lingua: InglesePauna, Mihaela/Raducanu, Anca Maria/Feraru, Ion VictorThis clinical report describes the oral rehabilitation of a 7-year-old male diagnosed with hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia and anodontia.
Our patient exhibited the typical general and cranio-facial features of ED as well as emotional and behavioral problems. The child presents only one conical primary central incisor.
The treatment was focused to improve his esthetic needs and oral functions and included the fabrication of removable prostheses and of an acrylic crown on the single tooth existing in his mouth, manufactured by an original simple method.
This clinical report demonstrates that the partial and complete removable dentures associated with the acrylic crown can be a reversible and inexpensive method of treatment for young ED patients.
Parole chiave: hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, ED, anodontia, prosthodontic treatment, acrylic crown
Poster 506, Lingua: IngleseGayathiri, D./Daniel, M. Jonathan/Arya, VandanaOral mucosal lesions are a common disease, majority of which are uncertain in origin. Many patients with these mucosal lesions were refractory to available therapies, especially when chronic inflammatory conditions are considered. Treatment of these variants, represent a perplexing therapeutic challenge. Despite numerous existing pharmacotherapies, there are many treatment failures. Pharmacotherapies in mucosal lesions were aimed primarily in reducing the length and severity of symptomatic outbreaks. One promising therapeutic modality emerging for these lesions is non- pharmacotherapy, which has been used with relative success from recent reports. This poster provides an update of current concepts of non- pharmacotherapeutic approaches like cryotherapy, photodynamic therapy and laser therapy in the management of Oral mucosal lesions.
Parole chiave: non pharmacotherapy, cryotherapy, photodynamic therapy, laser therapy
Poster 507, Lingua: IngleseSood, Ravi / Shetty, Shashit / Hans, Manoj Kumar / Nayak, GuruduttTooth bleaching has become a popular aesthetic service in dentistry. Hydrogen peroxide is a widely used bleaching material that is effective and safe. In office systems use 30%-40% H202 and a high intensity light source. Application of light source might enhance bleaching by heating the H202 but has some potential complications.Plasma is the fourth state of matter also known as "Ionized Gas" and has potential biomedical applications because it is non thermal and nontoxic and can be realized in simple hand-held device.
Room temperature plasma can be used for tooth bleaching with much better results and has an edge over the potential complications with the conventional in office techniques. Thus a combination of plasma treatment and H202 gels are being considered as an effective method of tooth bleaching.This poster presents plasma bleaching as the recent bleaching technique with better results on the safer side.
Parole chiave: bleaching, plasma, hydrogen peroxide, in-office
Poster 508, Lingua: IngleseRaducanu, Anca Maria/Herteliu, Claudiu/Feraru, Ion Victor/Cristea, IrinaIntroduction: Minimally invasive procedures for small occlusal lesions in primary dentition are an important part of the new restoration methods that can be successfully applied in children. The objective of this study was the evaluation of the clinical performances of the occlusal direct restorations in primary molars, applied by the minimally invasive method, using adhesive materials, in comparison with the classical method, using amalgam.
Material and methods: A number of 258 direct occlusal restorations were placed in 144 patients with a mean age of 5 years, 5 months. The restorations were grouped in two study samples according with the cavity preparation technique, classical (124) and minimally invasive (134).
Results: The restorations' median survival time, calculated using both the Kaplan-Meier and the survival tables methods, showed differences between the study samples. The median survival time of the classical amalgam restorations (4,55 years) was higher than in the minimally invasive restorations (4,02 years) (p
Parole chiave: durability, direct restoration, minimally invasive, classical restoration
Poster 509, Lingua: IngleseRajshekar, Sowmya Anaberu/Kote, Sunder Kariyappa/Nagesh, LaxminarayanThe way in which a dentist relates to patients to obtain and sustain health has been regarded as both a matter of common sense and an ethical mandate. The proper way to relate to a patient can indeed be understood in terms of courtesy and sensitivity to the patient's wants, needs and expectations. The law has something to add to the common sense and ethical mandate of relationships between patients and providers. There is need to consider the patient's perspective - trust, attention, compassion and careful treatment. Basic principles of communication are important adjunctive skills which help to prevent legal action. However, a dentist has obligations that extend beyond what the law requires. There are specific situations where the professionals are left to decide for themselves what is the "right" thing to do. Are we ethical? Is it possible in the present day situation continues to be the primary challenge.
Parole chiave: dentist-patient relationship, communication, ethics in dentistry, patient satisfaction, partnership, social skills
Poster 510, Lingua: IngleseSchulz, Susanne/Altermann, Wolfgang/Klapproth, Jana/Zimmermann, Uta/Gläser, Christiane/Stein, Jamal M./Schaller, Hans-Günter/Reichert, StefanTGF-ß1 is a pleiotropic cytokine that exerts its effects on bone and connective tissue metabolism which are of great importance in periodontal diseases. The expression of TGF-ß1 has been shown to be under genetic control. Two SNPs at codon 10 (L10P) and codon 25 (R25P) represent functionally important genetic variants. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate links between genetic variants of TGF-ß1 and chronic/aggressive periodontitis and its clinical features. Patients and methods: One hundred and forty nine periodontitis patients (chronic: n=68, mean age=48.9+9.6y, 64.2% females; aggressive: n=81, mean age=40+9.5y, 63% females) and 82 healthy controls (mean age=46.6+10.7y, 53.7% females) without periodontitis were included in the study. TGF-ß1 polymorphisms and haplotypes were determined using PCR-SSP (CTS-Kit, Heidelberg, Germany). The clinical investigation included smoking status, plaque (API) and bleeding indexes (BOP), pocket depth (PD) and clinical attachment loss (CAL). Subgingival bacterial colonization was evaluated molecularbiologically using the micro-Ident®test (HAIN-Diagnostik, Nehren, Germany). Results: Hardy-Weinberg criteria were fulfilled for both SNPs. Comparing TGF-ß1 genotype and haplotype distribution no significant association with the occurrence of aggressive and chronic periodontitis could be proven in our study. However, there was a trend for a higher occurrence of the CC-genotype L10P among periodontitis-free controls compared to patients suffering from aggressive periodontitis (18.3% vs. 11.1%, n.s.). Furthermore, the genetic background of TGF-ß1 was not significantly associated with the subgingival colonization of periodontopathogens. However, among patients with chronic periodontitis bacteria of the red complex (P. gingivalis+T. forsythia. denticola) occurred less frequently in carriers of the TG haplotype (TG: 77.5% vs. CG+CC: 91.5%, p=0.042, pkorr.=0.073). Conclusions: Although, associations of the genetic background of TGF-ß1 and periodontitis and periodontopathogens could be shown in bivariate analyses in binary logistic regression analyses the SNPs L10P and R25P and corresponding haplotypes could not be proved as independent risk factors for chronic or aggressive periodontitis.
Parole chiave: periodontitis, SNP, TGF-ß1
Poster 511, Lingua: IngleseIrani, Rukshin S./Thukral, Naresh/Sathe, Sucheta/Hegde, VivekAim & Objective: To evaluate the ultra structural morphology of enamel irradiated with different parameters of the Er: YAG laser & its effect on clinical procedures involving enamel.
Materials & Method: Thirty-five non-carious human premolars that were extracted for orthodontic purposes were selected &randomly divided into 7 groups. The teeth of group 1-3 were evaluated for different focal distances & the teeth of group 4-7 were evaluated for variable beam angles. When evaluating variable focal distances of 5mm, 7mm, & 10mm the beam angle was kept constant at 90° for group 1-3. When evaluating different beam angles of 30, 45, 60 & 90°, the focal distance was kept constant at 7mm for group 4-7. The laser irradiation was performed in a noncontact mode in all teeth. The teeth of each group were treated for 10 sec. The parameters that were kept constant for all groups were pulse energy of 250mJ with 15Hz frequency at very short pulse (VSP).
After irradiation enamel surfaces were analyzed under ESEM.
Parole chiave: beam angle, focal distance, Er:YAG laser, apparatus, ESEM
Poster 512, Lingua: IngleseShakya, Vijay Kumar/Chandra, AnilMany individuals desire a "bright" smile and white teeth, and consider dull and stained teeth cosmetically unattractive. Unfortunately, without preventive or remedial measures, stained teeth are almost inevitable due to the absorbent nature of dental material. Everyday activities such as smoking or other oral use of tobacco products, and eating, chewing, or drinking certain foods and beverages (in particular coffee, tea, and red wine) cause undesirable staining of surfaces of teeth.
Dental gel compositions containing active oxygen liberating ingredients have been disclosed in the prior art for whitening teeth. Such gel compositions although effective for whitening teeth require multiple applications of the gel over a period of one to two weeks to provide the desired whitening effect.
There is a continuing need for a rapid tooth whitening system, which can be safely applied by the wearer with or by a specially trained dental personnel. The poster compares different available options regarding instant tooth whitening.
Parole chiave: white teeth, whitening gel, tooth whitening system
Poster 513, Lingua: IngleseRaducanu, Anca Maria/Vlad, Roxana Speranta/Feraru, Ion Victor/Cristea, Irina/Herteliu, Claudiu/Craciuneac, MonicaIntroduction: Many scientific studies from the literature evaluate the general development of the child with early childhood caries (ECC). The results of these studies may vary, between the lack of association of this disease with alterations of general parameters of growth and the presence of significant modifications of these parameters.
Aims: Evaluation of growth and general development (nutritional status) in children with ECC recruited from the Department of Paediatric Dentistry of University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila Bucharest in comparing with healthy children from preschools.
Material and method: The both study groups were equal, with 200 children each (100 girls and 100 boys). The median age was 45.16 months in the study group and 54.75 months in the witness group. We evaluated the general growth parameters in the both groups by measuring the weight and the height.
Results: In both groups the results show two thirds of children having a normal general development. In children with affected growth parameters, we could observe that the underweight predominates in more than haft children with ECC. Unlike this situation, among the healthy children from the witness group, the predominated growth disorder is overweight. More than two thirds underweight children with ECC showed a ponderal deficiency between 10 and 25%.
Conclusions: The growing prevalence of ECC, together with her negative consequences, represents an important matter of general and oral health, because this affection produces alterations of growth and development in more than two thirds investigated children with ECC.
Parole chiave: early childhood caries ECC, nutritional status, ponderal deficiency